Lab News
Congrats to Mark and Megan for publishing in INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy!
Jenna - Welcome to Baskilab!
Congrats Menlan Wang for the review article on pain published in Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. Way to go!
Good work publishing in ACS Chemical Neuroscience - Congrats Padma, Adithya, Kyle Covington and Teresa Lehmann
Congrats Ryan for joining the Honors Research Program
Congrats Vivek, Mark, Adithya, and Padma for the papers published. Awesome job
Baskilab receives NIH NIDDK SBIR Phase I funding - A collaboration with Ion channel Pharmacology Inc.
Congrats, Padma, Jane, Liesl, and Laurel for the article acceptance in Scientific Reports - Way to go!
Congratulations to Heather for graduating her degree! Excellent research work and has been highlighted in the UWYO magazine in April 2019. Baskilab members miss you!
Awesome job Heather and Hanna for presenting abstracts in the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD
Congrats Vivek for graduation and securing postdoc position in the Univerity of Nevad, Reno
Congratulations to Padma, Adithya and Jane for their article accepted for publication in Molecules. Way to go!
Congrats to Padma and Vivek for the research article accepted in BBA Molecular Basis of Diseases on Nov. 05, 2018
Congrats Kyle for the INBRE undergraduate research fellowship
Let us welcome Adithya to Baskilab!
Baskilab welcomes Hanna Ahuja, Jessica O'Neal, and Jenni Ebersberger - INBRE Transition Fellows
Great job defending the thesis Vivek. Congrats on your new position as a postdoctoral fellow in the Univ. of Nevada, Reno. Keep up the great work
Baskilab received COBRE funding for the pain project
Baskilab receives second US Patent for the innovative magnetic nanoparticle drug delivery for obesity therapy!
Welcome Nicolas Chavez, Larissa Gray and Heather Townsend to Baskilab
Congratulations Liesl for obtaining WY INBRE Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Way to go!
Congrats Padma, for receiving Phase 0 award from WTBC!
Let us welcome Guy McVeigh (Pharm D student), Mark Menghini (Research trainee) and James Tracy (work-study student) to Baskilab!
Kyle Biehl - Welcome to Baskilab!
Superb performance by Laurel, Kaylan, and Liesl at the Undergraduate Research Day presentations during Undergraduate Research Day April 2017!
*Great job and congratulations to our graduate students and undergraduates and McAlister Lab collaborators for their presentations in WY INBRE Annual Meeting and poster presentations! - Excellent performance
*Great job Laurel - Congratulations for acceptance to Biomedical Science Program at the Colorado State University!
*Welcome Lauren Scandrett - WY INBRE Summer Research Fellow! Let us welcome Mark to Baskilab!
*More papers and a patent accepted!- Thanks for the hard work, everyone in Baskilab!
Let us welcome Liesl, Asa and Jane to our group (Sept. 2016)
Welcome Laurel Markert - A research student in Baskilab (March 2016)
Congrats Kara for joining Pharm D program @ UWyo - Good luck (Aug 2016)
Congratulations to Vivek and our collaborator McAllister Lab for presenting talks and poster during INBRE Retreat at Teton National Park!
Baskilab presents posters at the Undergraduate Research Day - Congratulations Justine, Wyatt, and Yair! Great work!!
Congratulations Wyatt for receiving prestigious WY EPSCoR/INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
BASKILAB received Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium - Faculty award for a project analyzing potential cellular target to defy accelerated aging -Thanks BASKILAB members for the hard work and success!!
BASKILAB receives University of Wyoming Faculty Grant in Aid - Great teamwork!!
Congrats Baskilab Team for receiving the third best poster award during the RMRNG meeting on May 15, 2015 - Way to go!
Congrats Vivek for the CHS award! - We have a rock-star here :-))
BASKILAB in highlighted in the world press - Way to go, team! Great work!!
BASKILAB receives funding from AHA - Thank you, Baskilab members, for your hard work!
Congrats Vivek for your first JBC paper! - Good job
Congrats Padma for two JBC papers!
Congrats Kevin - Fall 2014 EPSCoR scholar. Man-you rock!
Congratulations to Baskilab on the acceptance of a new manuscript - Way to go!
Let us welcome Justine Frantz to our lab!
Welcome Vivek! Graduate student-Neuroscience program
Padma presented at AACP Annual Meeting held in July 2014 at Grapevine, TX. Our Amanda Nutt was a co-author in this poster - Congratulations to Padma and Amanda!
May 23, 2014: Baskilab abstract accepted for presentation at the first annual meeting of mountain west CTR-IN, Las Vegas, NV, USA - Great work team!!
May 14, 2014: Vivek received Summer Graduate Research Award - Congrats!
April 26, 2014: Kevin Fettel presents during the WY EPSCoR/INBRE Undergraduate Research Day!
Our Kevin presented a seminar as well as a poster on "Mechanisms by which TRPV1 channel Proteins Inhibit Obesity"
Kevin receives EPSCoR/INBRE Summer Research Fellowship to work in BASKILAB - Congratulations!
April 11, 2014: BASKILAB presents five posters during the UWYO College of Health Science Annual Research Day
Congrats to Padma, Vivek, Kevin and Bayasaa! Excellent contribution and poster presentation durig the CHS Reerch Meeting. Way to go.
Nov. 2013: Congrats Padma for Muscle and Nerve paper - Good work!
Aug 2013: Congrats Kevin for the EPSCoR/INBRE Fellowship for your research in BASKILAB in Fall 2013. Keep up the great work!
July 2013: Congrats Padma for Toxicon paper acceptance - Way to go!
July 2013: Congratulations Bayasaa for passing your MS - Good work!
Dr. Louis Premkumar, Ph. D., Professor of Pharmacology, Southern Illinois University visits BASKILAB at UWYO
Padma presents during College of Health Sciences Grants Round day, April 2013
Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting Feb 02-06, 2013 - Philadelphia, PA, USA