Research Support / Grant Funding


1. NIH NIGMS WY COBRE Project 4 - Modulation of Pain Signaling Mechanisms by Botulinum Neurotoxin A

Role: Project Leader for Project 4


1. NIGMS WY INBRE Thematic Research Project (2015-2018) - Role of TRPV1 in Metabolic syndrome and NAFLD

Role: Thematic project PI

2. AHA BGiA (2015-2016) - Analysis of effects of dietary capsaicin on brown fat thermogenesis

Role: PI

3. TRPV1 channel: A potential therapeutic target to treat early-life seizures. 2014-2015 Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) Translational Pilot Collaboration Project.

Role: Co-PI

4. 2012-2013 UW Neuroscience Center/NIH P30 Center Core Pilot Research Project funding - Lipid microdomains modulate synaptic functions at the neuromuscular junctions.

Role: PI

5. Wyoming INBRE Pilot Project Grant (2012-2014) - Analysis of role of TRPV1 channels in the regulation of metabolic diseases.

Role: PI

6. Colleges of Health Sciences - University of Wyoming Seed Grant 2012 - TRPV1: A potential Target Against Epilepsy.

Role: PI

7. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy - New Investigator Award (2013-2014) - Analysis of mechanisms of inhibiton of botulinum neurotoxin A uptake by capsaicin.

Role : PI

8. Wyoming INBRE - CSU HPCRL Collaborative Project (2013-2015) - TRPV1 regulates Brown Fat Thermogenesis: Novel Therapeutic Potential to Treat Obesity.

Role: PI