Letter opposing my bankruptcy to ASIC Submitted on 04/03/2023

Message for ASIC to respond to: Miranda Holt: Miranda@guidestar.au, John Boyle: jboyle@mdlaw.com.au, Belinda Brady: Belinda.Brady@imha.vic.gov.au


Dear ASIC,

My name is Richard mcLean and I went bankrupt under the direction of my sister, Jodie Bongetti in march 2021.

I needn’t have though, because my former partner Steve Iasonidis who was an asio agent - exploited me and owes me a fair equal and legal separation of assets.

Please see the evidence of me giving him the engagement ring in 2011.

Steve Iasonidis and Dr Richard McLean were engaged for over 5 years.


We were engaged together and lived as a married coupe, from 2010 - 1015.

Currently  there may be a legal case regarding the separation of assets and a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice that has demonised me.

I reject that I should have had to go bankrupt because he earned over 20000 a month at the time whilst I was on a pension for disability.

It is unconscionable that the government would protect the finances of mr iasonidis in favour of vilifying me and making homeless.

I have made a PID for the commonwealth ombudsman here:

www.barrandodger.com - Ombudsman PID


I did another one with more information for the federal circuit court and Sia Lagos here:

www.barrandodger.com - Dear The CEO and Principal Registrar of the Federal Court, Sia Lagos


Please intervene in case these efforts to oppose my tyranny fail.

It is necessary for ASIC to acknowledge the below information and documents that illustrates that Mr iasonidis owes me a settlement and that I did not to go bankrupt whatsoever.

I have also emailed the Governor General:

www.barrandodger.com - My letter to the Governor general


Sorry My mistake Governor general:

www.barrandodger.com - My letter to the Governor general


Once you acknowledge the below I will be free from bankruptcy.

Additionally I wish to report that Steve Iasonidis sold a 1.2 million dollar home at my direction whilst I was with him that he bought from the sale of cocaine.

He locked it away in an off shore tax haven for maximum profit.

He told me that ASIO had busted him and they he didn’t have the money anymore and he owes $200000.

However that does not sit in line with the fact that he created a new ABN of Stefan or Stefen iasonidis about the time we were breaking up in which he no doubt hid the money from me.

A court case is looming - and it will be detailed how the malicious man drunk on power backed by the Government has acted to cause me great harm and that great harm has come tome.

I dont mind highlighting the greed off him and the cowardice of public officials and sometimes layers who are paid with cushy wages in conceited positions of privilege who would easily exploit a human rights awarded autobiographer and doctor of philosophy to sit comfortably in the position of faceless cowardice...

So - lets name names.

Ive been honest -time for every one else to stop hiding behind the sin of money and their positions which they believe are untouchable.

The last thing I will say is that through my whistleblowing - in which I am rejected form police never found lawyer brave enough to get me out of poverty and a so far rejected whistleblower, Steve was apparently dont for embezzlement if Grindr is anything to go by - because he wants my husky ‘dead.’

Now that this is a police issue I also look forward to me being protected by policer and the government.

The tide is turning. ASIC be the good brave and fair individuals you should and respond in a way which brings me some relief from the homelessness I face without enough food or medicine.

Not a single person has crossed the floor to acknowledge it.

I guess it is not within their remit.

However now it is necessary to act - perhaps before the PID does.

Please respond to this email not to me but the following people and advocates:

John Boyle, jboyle@mdlaw.com.au

Miranda Holt, Miranda@guidestar.au

Belinda Brady, Belinda.Brady@imha.vic.gov.au (Belinda this determination will profoundly affect my mental health treatment regarding the money it takes to see a psychiatrist who will prescribe dexamphetamine)


Dr Rich Mclean

Evidence of Mr Iasonidis super fund SGC (Super) 9.00% EVIDENCE (company structure) (superannuation choice) (CXC Default Wholesale Super fund) (EVIDENCE Voluntary superannuation) (super salary sacrafice)(LIFE TPD and IPL insurance) (PL and PI) .pdf
Evidence Mr Iasonidid has a daily rate of $800 - 38 hrs week $106 per year payslip from 17k month payslip Iasonidis Steve 100806 1 2.pdf
EVIDENCE 1 Mr Iasonidis admits the relationship and lies that we seperated financially copy.pdf
Evidence Mr Iasonidid has a daily rate of $800 - 38 hrs week $106 per year payslip from 17k month payslip Iasonidis Steve 100806 1 copy.pdf
EVIDENCE summary steve iasonidis asio agent and rich mclean MCLEAN, Richard.pdf
Evidence of Mr Iasonidis super fund SGC (Super) 9.00% EVIDENCE (company structure) (superannuation choice) (CXC Default Wholesale Super fund) (EVIDENCE Voluntary superannuation) (super salary sacrafice)(LIFE TPD and IPL insurance) (PL and PI) .pdf
EVidence 05.06.2010 when living together MPS EBS Timesheet%20Steve Iasonidis 0610) 1.pdf
Evidence of Mr Iasonidis super fund SGC (Super) 9.00% EVIDENCE (company structure) (superannuation choice) (CXC Default Wholesale Super fund) (EVIDENCE Voluntary superannuation) (super salary sacrafice)(LIFE TPD and IPL insurance) (PL and PI) .pdf
Evidence Mr Iasonidid has a daily rate of $800 - 38 hrs week $106 per year payslip from 17k month payslip Iasonidis Steve 100806 1 2.pdf
Evidence of Mr Iasonidis super fund SGC (Super) 9.00% EVIDENCE (company structure) (superannuation choice) (CXC Default Wholesale Super fund) (EVIDENCE Voluntary superannuation) (super salary sacrafice)(LIFE TPD and IPL insurance) (PL and PI) copy.pdf
Evidence of Mr Iasonidis super fund SGC (Super) 9.00% EVIDENCE (company structure) (superannuation choice) (CXC Default Wholesale Super fund) (EVIDENCE Voluntary superannuation) (super salary sacrafice)(LIFE TPD and IPL insurance) (PL and PI) .pdf