Dear Students,

To help you prepare for the upcoming STAAR exam on May 1st and earn extra credit, I would like you to create handwritten summaries of key Math 8 concepts based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Your summaries should include demonstrated examples and explanations to showcase your understanding. This assignment is worth 20 points and will be directly added to your Final Exam score.


TEKS Concepts: Follow the TEKS concepts listed below that are crucial for the STAAR exam. Refer to my tutorial videos, Google Drive Math 8 notes, and class materials for guidance.

Handwritten Summaries: Write clear and concise summaries for each selected concept. Use diagrams, formulas, and step-by-step explanations where necessary.

Demonstrated Examples: Provide at least one demonstrated example for each concept (1 TEKS could include multiple concepts). Show your work, including any calculations or algebraic manipulations.

Organization and Clarity: Organize your summaries logically and ensure they are easy to understand. Use headings, bullet points, and numbered steps as needed.

Originality: Avoid copying and pasting directly from sources. Use your own words and understanding to explain the concepts.

Submission Format: Submit your handwritten summaries as a physical copy. Make sure your submissions are labeled with your name and the concept(s) they cover.

Deadline: The deadline for submission is Monday, April 29th. Late submissions will not be accepted. If you don’t follow the instructions, no credit will be given.

Grading Criteria:

Accuracy and Completeness of Summaries (5 points)

Clarity and Organization (5 points)

Accuracy and Completeness of Demonstrated Examples (5 points)

Originality and Avoidance of Plagiarism (5 points)

I encourage you to start early, ask questions if you need clarification, and put in your best effort. This assignment is an opportunity for you to reinforce your understanding of key Math 8 concepts and boost your Final Exam score.

Best of luck with your preparations!

STAAR Prep.pdf