Geometry MOY Project


Your project is to create a presentation to show what you have learned in Geometry this semester.  This is your opportunity to review every concept covered so far in preparation for your Midterm exam. Follow the guidelines below to earn the highest score possible. This is an individual project, not a group project. This project will count as a SUMMATIVE grade (40%) and will be worth 120 points!  


Follow the rubric below to create your engaging presentation. Each presentation should include at a MINIMUM:

1. One (or more) slide per topic.

2. Each slide should include all important vocabulary and/or formulas.

3. At least one example per concept worked out (either found online, in my notes, or worked out by hand and a picture added).

4. Presentation can be made on Google Slides.


Be sure to add any additional sources you used since turning in the original. You may want to break this up over a few slides.

Learning Objective

G.(1G) - SWBAT use rubric to explain/evaluate mathematical ideas for summative projects.

Demonstration of Learning

Students will demonstrate mastery by achieving 80% or 120/150 on the project rubric. 

Due dates & how to turn in? 

The project is DUE on the day of the presentation, which is on May 7th and 8th depending on your class period.​Use your time wisely and don't hesitate to ask questions if you need guidance. Once you have finished your project, submit your published link on Canvas by 11:59pm the day before your presentation day. Please don't send me a link via email.

Presentation Expectations

On the day of your presentation, you are free to pick 3 topics to present with a maximum of 3 -5 minutes. You should not read off your slides. Instead, use your knowledge you have learned to demonstrate your understanding of the material.  Below is an example of how to present your project.


Good morning/afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is________. Today, I am going to present my MOY project. To start off, I would like to let you know that I am going to be presenting the following 3 topics: 


In the topic 1,...(must include evidence, supporting ideas, and examples).

In the topic 2,...(must include evidence, supporting ideas, and examples).

In the topic 3,...(must include evidence, supporting ideas, and examples).


In summary, I have gone over the three topics: Topic 1, 2, 3. I hope that my presentation could benefit you in the midterm and that you enjoyed it. That's all for my presentation. Do you have any questions? Thank you for your listening.

Grading Criteria

Your project will be assessed based on the following criteria:


Your grades will be determined by how seriously you followed the guidelines to organize your project in the Google Slides and how perfectly you met the presentation expectations

Total scores (120) = Google Slides (100) + your presentation (20).

I'm excited to see your innovative approaches and creative solutions in the "Geometry Explorations" Mid-Year Project!

Good luck!

Geometry MOY Project Rubric.pdf
Copy of what i learn in geometry

Geometry MOY Project Rubric

Example of the Geometry MOY Project