28 Oils in 28 days

28 Oils in 28 Days! Day 1 Motivate!

doTERRA Motivate - If you are feeling a lack of inspiration, Motivate is the oils for you. It helps you feel more confident and find your purpose or drive one again.

The amazing oils in this blend include Peppermint, Clementine, Coriander, Basil, Yuzu, Melissa, Rosemary Leaf, Vanilla Bean.

I often joke that Motivate smells like my "dealer" My Girl scout Cookie dealer that is. I smell Thin mints! This is true motivation for me. I have fond memories of earning my way to camp by selling cookies. What motivates you? When you smell motivate what do you smell/feel?

28 Oils in 28 Days! Day 2 Lemon!

Lemon oil is amazing for uplifting your mood. There is something about Lemon oil that just makes you smile. NO? Listen to this “fun banking fact” In 1995 a man tried to robbed 2 Pittsburg banks with no visible disguise. When he was arrested and shown the video he said “but I wore the Juice” Apparently the robber was under the belief that Lemon juice would make his face invisible to video cameras. The Lemon Juice may not have Disguised the robber's face but I wonder if it made him feel more confident.

Lemon oils has so many uses I love the uplifting feeling it gives me. What is your favorite thing to use Lemon for? Oh and how does it make you feel?

28 Oils in 28 Days Day 3 Cheer

If you are happy It is contagious! I love Cheer to help me feel happy and ready to deal with the world. Let’s spread a little cheer today. What random act of kindness have you done or will you do today?

28 oils in 28 days Day 4 Lime

I truly had not added lime to my oil line up until recently. Lime is the oil for the Zest of Life. I have found Lime amazing for those days that are like just normal nothing to really write home about no desire to do anything other than the bare minimum. Yup those days. I have a friend who call lime her give a d....Well you get the picture.

My favorite way to use Lime is with Balance. What is yours?

28 oils in 28 days Day 5 Elevation

This Blend was one of the first emotion blends created by doTERRA. I love its ability to improve my mood. I like to put elevation in the diffuser before the kids get home from school. It make the house feel joyful and I pump myself up for homework.(The kids not mine)

Homework or studying, what are your favorite tips?

28 oils in 28 days Days 6 Wild Orange

Are you noticing a pattern? Citrus oils are very uplifting and “happy” oils. Wild Orange doesn’t disappoint. Known as the oils of abundance. Wild Orange can be helpful in manifesting the things you want in life. Dream Big.

What is something you are manifesting for the future? No really I would love to know. Me? I’m manifesting a beautiful abundant life full of family time and freedom to choose what I want.

28 oils in 28 days Day 7 doTERRA Passion

This has become a new favorite of mine. Passion is not a word I used very often and never when talking about my business or my teaching. When I read the emotional information on Passion I learned that this oils is can be an amazing business tool.

It is the inspiring blend. Inspiring you to Jump when you want to crawl, Inspiring you to tap into your emotions. Debts get paid off faster the more you hate the thought of the debt, Passion connects to your emotions and drives you.

What is your passion? Mine is education! Sharing teaching and learning.

28 oils in 28 days Day 8 Melaleuca

We all know Melaleuca is great for cleaning and disinfecting our physical space, did you ever consider that it can do the same for your relationships and your emotional spaces? Melaleuca has some amazing benefits. I’m thinking the next time I go to any of my volunteer meetings I will be wearing a touch of Melaleuca. I will help me say yes to the things I have time for and not feel like I need to say yes to the things I do not have time for. Not only will I feel better about my time and commitments but I will be honoring the organizations I volunteer for by creating events/projects that are 100% of my energy.

Do you have an energy vampire? Do you know what it is?

28 Oils in 28 days Day 9 Breathe

Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. Even the youngest of us knows to take a break and take a breath. In with the good out with bad, what do we do when our chest feels tight? I grab for my Breathe. It makes breathing feel easier so I can take some big clearing breaths and feel like I got this!

You got this! What is your favorite way to relax either in the moment or later as self care?

28 oils in 28 days Day 10 Serenity -

As a preschool teacher you have days and classrooms where the kids are sometimes just crazy. I had a mentor once tell me on those days you need to stop and look at yourself. Often when it is time to wind down and relax I take a moment to look at my performance during the day. When I find things I think I should have handle differently I often replay these moments over and over. This does no one especially me who is trying to sleep any good. On these days I reach for serenity. It helps calm my mind and my emotions. Forgiving myself and recognizing tomorrow is a new day and is the only way to move forward.

Do you have a wind down technique for the end of the day?

28 oils in 28 days. Day 11 Lavender

I love the way Lavender supports my evening relaxation. I also love using Lavender to support me when I need to have a clarifying conversation. The feelings of confidence and being able to express myself clearing really support my emotions during these conversations.

What helps you when you need to have a clarifying conversation?

28 oils in 28 days Day 12 - AromaTouch

AromaTouch is not just for relaxation. There is a reason it is the oil of choice for relaxation. Not only for the amazing support to our muscles but also the ways it helps us be flexible in our emotions as well. Using AromaTouch aromatically when I take 5 minutes in between activities is one way I stay flexible in my emotions and thinking.

How do your refresh in 5 minutes?

28 oils in 28 days Day 13 - Whisper

How are your relationships with women? Do you talk to your mother everyday? Whisper is an amazing blend. It smells wonderful and just makes you feel like you can do anything. Walking into a PTA meeting with whisper on makes me feel like I can listen to understand and be flexible. My way will work but I’m open to receiving information from others.

Are there places in your life you think finding a deeper connection with women will help improve?

28 oils in 28 days Day 14 - Ylang Ylang

Happy Valentines Day!!! Are you ready to treat the Loves in your life to an amazing day? Ylang Ylang Essential oil is amazing! For that True Love soulmate in your life Ylang Ylang can help support you and them feeling like a kids again. Not only is Ylang Ylang good for the heart but it speaks to women! Many of the "good" male colognes have Ylang Ylang base tones in them. Why? IT drives women WILD!

Do you have Big Valentine Plans? Do you have little Valentine plans? How are you going to show your love today?

28 Oils in 28 Days Day 15 Forgive

I feel like the world puts so much pressure on us to have the amazing Valentine's day. Today I wonder if we need to spread the forgiveness. What is love if you don’t spread it everyday of the year? Whether you are forgiving someone who did not meet your expectations for the big day or if you have others in your life who have wronged you or if you are not so proud of your choices Forgive is an amazing blend to help support you through processing your feelings. Forgiving yourself can be amazing!! What is your favorite way to show yourself that “It’s OK?”

28 oils in 28 days Day 16 Deep Blue

Deep Blue has been my go to for sore muscles and growing pains for a very long time. I have heard it compared to several other Sore muscle remedies the have opposites in the name. I can’t use anything that is too heavy on the chemicals they irritate my skin. Deep blue supports me exactly how I need. Now I have learned that deep blue not only supports my tight sore muscles but It also supports my emotions. It was amazing to learn how Deep Blue can help you recognize and process the emotions as well as the discomfort.

28 oils in 28 days - Day 17 Frankincense

I would have to say that Frankincense is one of my favorite oils. It is also an oil the really demonstrates the connection between emotions and “breakdowns” in our bodies. There is a reason Frankincense has been used for centuries. Not all Frankincense is created equal. Frankincense grows in Somalia. Not a very safe and ethical region. There are over 24 species of Frankincense trees. All of these tree can produce the resin that is sold as Frankincense and distilled into Frankincense oil. Only 4 of these species have the therapeutic properties that has put Frankincense on the map. doTERRA uses 3 of these species in their Frankincense oil.

My favorite use for Frankincense is on the crown of the head. I use it on Toddlers who have just lost it for no apparent reason. Ok Ok I use it on myself when I have lost it for no good reason. You know those times when you are just frustrated or angry but all logic says it is really ok? Yup I use it on myself and my family when this happens. I use on the toddlers as well but It works the same for us grown-ups. What is your favorite step back and take a break technique?

28 oils in 28 days Day 18 Console

This beautiful blend has a way of speaking to the very deepest places in your heart. Helping you to release deep emotional burdens. One of my favorite ways to use it is to roll a small circle over my heart and then tell myself that it is OK I am feeling the way I am. I nice little tub of Ice Cream always seem to go well with Console. At least in my world.

28 oils in 28 days Day 19 On Guard

On Guard is my favorite blend to support my body for my visits to the germ factories AKA My kids schools. I love how On guard has similar supportive and protective properties with my emotions.

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