Renal Care

Renal Care with Ayurvedic Treatment

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is more than just a traditional medicine system; it is a way of life.

The Ayurveda considers that we are made up of the things present in nature. When mother nature puts us on this planet, she takes care of all of our needs. Right from conception, she takes care of our food and water for nourishment and has provided us with many herbs to protect us from diseases.

The ayurvedic origin dates back to 5000 years. It is an ancient Indian medicine system that utilizes herbs present in nature to treat various health diseases and disorders. It always helps to manifest a disease-free life.

Ayurveda takes into account the holistic approach to improving and managing our health. Ayurveda does not just aim to treat the disease, but it always works to provide a healthy life.

Kidneys are vital excretory organs. If the kidneys are not performing well, it indicates that the metabolic wastes must accumulate in the body. This accumulation of waste in the body creates problems and diseases. Thus it becomes extremely crucial to take good care of our kidneys.

How does Ayurveda work?

Ayurvedic treatments have stood the test of time and survived the dawn and dominance of the modern medicine system.

According to our Vedic philosophy, all organisms are an intrinsic part of their habitat. Similarly, humans are correlated with their environment in every aspect of their existence. This also suggests that if we observe any change in our natural habits and habitat, we will directly or indirectly influence our body and mind. This can be easily observed with the impact of diet, lifestyle, weather change, etc., on our overall well-being and functioning.

Therefore, it is always expected that all must live in complete harmony with our environment to live a healthy life.

Ayurvedic treatments enable your body to heal by balancing the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).The ideology of Ayurvedic treatments is rooted with the belief that most health concerns result from an imbalance in the digestive system. The undigested food in the digestive tract leads to the formation of “Ama”. “Ama” is a toxin that settles in different body parts and creates health issues.

Ayurvedic treatments target the root cause of the problem to prevent its occurrence in the near and far future and promote overall well-being. It does so by pacifying vitiated doshas, which ‌restores the body's natural balance and strengthens the digestive system to eliminate toxins.

Ayurveda's approach for wellbeing encompasses multiple variables and touches on an individual’s physical, mental, spiritual, social, and psychological aspects.

Incorporating Ayurveda in our daily life

Ayurveda has been regaining popularity within wellness communities in recent decades. Incorporating the concepts of ayurveda in our daily life will help provide fruitful results to keep us away from diseases.

Ayurveda can be considered an instruction manual for humans to get in sync with nature. It suggests simple lifestyle changes to enhance our overall health and well-being.

Ayurveda embraces a rich, long-standing heritage of supporting the health and well-being of individuals through herbal formulations and holistic healing therapies.

Ayurvedic herbs have provided solutions for many health concerns since ancient times. This is mainly attributed to the fact that herbal medicines have little-to-no side effects.

According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda, renal disorders are considered under “Prameha”. Prameha is made up of two words. i.e. ‘Pra’ and ‘Meha’ where “pra” means “passing of urine in excess in terms of frequency and quantity” and “meh” means “to excrete”. There are many types of kaphaja Prameha. The main causes related to it are hereditary factors (Sahaja nidana) and diet intake that increases Kaphaja dosha (apathyanimitaja). Clinical features of prameha includes prabhutmutrata (increase in the frequency and quantity of urine) and avilmutrata (turbid urine).

There are various factors causative for renal diseases:

  • improper lifestyle leading to sthula (obesity),

  • bahuasi (overeater),

  • lack of exercise,

  • sedentary lifestyle,

  • excessive sleep during the day

  • excessive consumption of alcohol.

Modern treatment methods focus on dealing with the symptoms of a disease, while Ayurvedic therapies work to the deeper roots. The scope and significance of Ayurveda goes way beyond the ideas and conventions of modern science.

Some of the advantages of Ayurveda over mainstream medicines:

  • Ayurvedic home remedies are protective, preventive, and sometimes curative.

  • There are little-to-no side-effects associated with home remedies since all the ingredients are obtained from nature.

  • These remedies are cost-effective since you can easily find the most ingredients in your kitchen.

Home remedies work with certain Ayurveda lifestyle changes for maximum benefits. You will be encouraged to improve your sleep pattern and diet as part of this holistic treatment.

If you want to know more detals about of kidney treatment in ayurveda you can visit our website.