Pkd treatment in ayurveda

What are the five early warning signs of kidney disease?

Our kidneys are bean-like structures located in the back of our rib cage. Its sole responsibility is to purify the blood and flush toxins in urine. The slightest change in the functioning of our kidneys can result in deadly consequences due to the asymptomatic nature of this disease often, and it is important to be aware of the disease associated with this organ.

Both of our kidneys together filter around 200 liters of liquid within 24 hours. Precaution is always better than cure, and it is always better to be aware of the initial decline in kidney health. Here are three ways to identify the slightest decline in your kidney health.

Dizziness and Fatigue

One of the most common and initial signs of a decline in kidney health is weakness. The feeling of dizziness and fatigue is repetitive as toxins accumulate in our blood. Anemia can also be linked to kidney disorders. Even after an eight-hour sound sleep, if you feel exhausted, it is highly recommended that you get yourself diagnosed as soon as possible. A kidney specialist, also known as a Nephrologist, is a good option just to be on the safer side.


If you experience swelling on your legs and ankles or wrist and then this could be a major sign of decline in kidney functioning. Due to various nutritional abnormalities such as electrolyte imbalance or improper nutrition. Swelling indicates poor circulation of blood in our bodies. It can be caused by the slightest fluctuation in our heart and kidney functioning.

Change in Urination

Another sign of kidney damage is a change in the color of urination. There are several factors that you should keep in check, such as the amount of urine, foaming, pale or dark urine, or red coloring in the urine. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your family doctor and get all the tests done.

Puffiness under your eyes

The high amount of protein in the urine is an early sign of kidney damage which results in protein leakage. Due to a large amount of protein leakage, you might be experiencing puffiness under your eyes. If you are experiencing it or notice any loved ones of yours, it is recommended to get yourself tested.

Skin Problems

Apart from the various roles that our kidneys play, such as removing waste and removing extra fluid from our body. It also helps us in creating red blood cells and makes our bones strong. Itchy skin can indicate mineral and bone disease, which is often associated with kidney damage.

What is polycystic kidney disease?

According to modern science, kidneys can not be treated and only be replaced, but what if the solution to this problem is hidden in our history? Ayurveda is known as the study of life. Which has been used for thousands of years passed on by our ancestors. According to Ayurveda, there is a cure for kidney disorders as it effectively targets the root cause of the disease and, step by step, cure it.

Ayurveda promises a drastic recovery and improvement in the functioning of our kidneys. Going through a painful and expensive procedure such as transplants and dialysis doesn't guarantee that all those kidney-related diseases will not reoccur at all.

A genetic disorder results in the formation of cysts that start developing on the surface of the kidney. As a result, the kidney size increases more than usual. This disease can be transferred from one generation to another.

Ayurveda has the safest treatment for polycystic kidney disease. It is all about focusing on small changes in lifestyle and nutrition. Ayurveda has focused on Its work by changing the diet and lifestyle. For thousands of years, Ayurveda has been followed by our ancestors. It is not like an allopathic in which you just have to consume the chemical-based medication in the hope of getting well someday; instead, it requires a lot of dedication and patients to get the best results. For someone who really wants to achieve some noticeable change in their health and fitness, you must keep a check on what you eat and drink, along with following all the instructions carefully. It is important to include a fair share of natural herbs and medication specially designed for your health condition. It is suggested that you reach out to a specialist and take the precaution systematically.

Right from the time you experience the initial symptoms of kidney failure, your kidney will go through various phases. Knowing these changes and signs can help you prevent future risks. If you follow the precaution in advance, there are high chances of potential problems where intervention can often slow or halt progression. Always remember to drink plenty of water to aid in the filtration process, and contact your doctor if you begin to experience any of these signs.