Ayurvedic medicines cure nephrotic syndrome

Do Punarnava Urinary Wellness Ayurvedic medicines cure nephrotic syndrome?

Ayurveda is a branch of medicine which is holistic in nature. It teaches us the lessons of life used for managing our health ailments. Medicines used in Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic Treatment helps to eradicate the disease from its roots and a helps to protract kidney life.

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine or treatment

Yes, Punarnava is an Ayurvedic anti-inflammatory medicine which is used in the treatment of the Nephrotic Syndrome. This ayurvedic herb has been used for effective control of Urine leakage and Proteinuria. Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have been found to have a low urine volume and low protein content in their urine.

Punarnava is an Ayurvedic medicine known to cure various diseases. It is also effective in curing nephrotic syndrome. The symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome include:

Protein loss in urine treatment in ayurveda is very successful many patients are living normal life with the Ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria and they have satisfy with this.

Also read : Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine

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