Anaemia be treated with Ayurveda

Can Kidney disease and Anaemia be treated with Ayurveda?

What is anaemia?

Anaemia is a state where the red blood cells or haemoglobin are lower than normal. Haemoglobin is a protein that carries iron and has oxygen-carrying capacity. Haemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your body. The oxygen carrying capacity would be less when there are fewer red blood cells or less haemoglobin. Therefore the tissues and organs, heart and brain, etc., do not get enough oxygen supply to work properly. Thus the ability to do work decreases.

Is anaemia related to kidney disease?

Anaemia is one of the common complications of kidney disease (KD). Chronic kidney disease is when the kidneys are damaged and unable to filter blood the way they should. This causes the accumulation of wastes and fluids in your body. CKD can also cause other health disorders.

Anaemia is not present much in stages of early kidney disease. This is most commonly visible when the kidney disease progresses, and more kidney function is lost.

Anaemia in people with CKD is known as "Anaemia of renal diseases".

Who is more susceptible to anaemia in CKD?

It has been observed that the risk for anaemia increases when kidney disease reaches the advanced stage. People suffering from CKD, along with diabetes, are found at a greater risk for developing anaemia. People with diabetes tend to develop anaemia earlier and often suffer severe anaemia than people with CKD and non-diabetes.

You can also see that in people with CKD anaemia increases the chance of developing heart problems. The reason behind this can be that the heart is getting less oxygen than normal and therefore finds it hard to pump blood to organs and tissues. This increases the workload of the heart. Consequently, it has been commonly seen in people with CKD and anaemia that they are at an increased risk for complications like strokes.

What are the symptoms of anaemia in someone with CKD?

Anaemia related to CKD develops slowly and is usually non-symptomatic in early kidney disease.

Symptoms of anaemia in CKD may include

  • body aches

  • chest pain

  • dizziness

  • fainting

  • fast or irregular heartbeat

  • fatigue or tiredness

  • headaches

  • pallor skin

  • shortness of breath

  • sleep problems

  • trouble in focussing and concentrating

  • weakness

What are the causes of anaemia in CKD?

There are more than one causes contributing to development of anaemia in people with CKD. The first reason is that the damaged kidneys produce less erythropoietin (EPO). Erythropoietin is a hormone that sends signals to the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. So, when the concentration of EPO decreases, the concentration of red blood cells also decreases. Therefore a lesser amount of oxygen is delivered to your organs and tissues.

It has also been observed that the red blood cells of people with anaemia and CKD live for a shorter time in the bloodstream. Therefore the blood cells tend to die faster than they can be replaced.

People suffering from CKD with anaemia are also found with low levels of iron, vitamin B12, and folate, deficiency of which also causes anaemia

The other commonly found causes of anaemia in patients with CKD are:

  • Blood loss due to dialysis

  • Infections

  • Inflammation

  • Malnutrition

How to diagnose and treat anaemia in CKD?

Anaemia in CKD can be diagnosed by combining your medical history, a physical examination, and blood tests. Blood count checks include:

  • Count of red blood cells

  • Measurement of the size of red blood cells

  • Amount of haemoglobin

You are also advised to check the amount of iron in your blood and the iron stored in your body. These tests measure-ferritin and transferrin. Ferritin is a protein that stores iron in the body's cells, while transferrin is a protein that carries iron in your blood. Blood tests also check the levels of folate and vitamin B12.

Treatments for anaemia

The treatment would improve your symptoms and quality of life.


Iron supplements are provided as a pill or intravenous (IV) infusion. These iron supplements help your body to make healthy red blood cells.


Vitamin supplements, such as vitamin B12 or folate, are needed to make healthy blood cells.


The patients may be prescribed an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) to treat anaemia. ESAs send signals to the bone marrow to make more red blood cells.

Patients on hemodialysis may receive IV or subcutaneous ESAs. Patients on peritoneal dialysis may be given ESAs shots.

ESAs ease your symptoms and thus avoids blood transfusions. This treatment is not preferred for everyone.

Blood transfusions

In some rare cases, blood transfusions may be used to treat severe anaemia in CKD. A blood transfusion quickly increases the number of red blood cells in your body and temporarily relieves the symptoms of anaemia.

Can I prevent anaemia in CKD?

Anaemia cannot be prevented but the progress of disease can be delayed. Managing the disease may help delay anaemia or prevent anaemia from getting worse.

How can ayurveda deal with anaemia and - Chronic kidney disease treatment in ayurveda?

Ayurveda recommends some Aahar and Vihar changes along with some medicines to prevent you reaching the state of Anaemia.


  • Avoid consuming foods that are conflicting or opposing in nature

  • Consume light (laghu) and easily digestible foods

  • Consume old rice, wheat, moong dal etc

  • Include use of iron pots and pans

  • Include healthy foods like green leafy vegetables, beetroots and carrots in your diet.

  • Smoking, drinking alcohol should be avoided.


  • One should avoid excessive exercise as it would create physical and mental stress.

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