Pumpkin for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Benefits of Pumpkin for Polycystic Kidney Disease and Ayurvedic Treatment: A blog about pumpkin being a wonderful food for PKD

Kidney cysts are fluid-filled pouches formed in or on the kidneys. The simple cysts are non-cancerous, thus not fatal. These cysts are silent and rarely cause serious health problems. Simple cysts differ from complex cysts. A complex cyst needs to be observed for changes that might be cancerous. Simple kidney cysts are different from the cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).

Read more : https://medium.com/@kidneyayurveda/benefits-of-pumpkin-for-polycystic-kidney-disease-and-ayurvedic-treatment-a-blog-about-pumpkin-5f0c60ee621a

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