Creatinine Level Too High

Is Your Creatinine Level Too High? How To Control It?

Creatinine is a muscle’s waste product. In a healthy body, the kidneys filter creatinine from the blood and pass it through the urine. High creatinine levels indicate kidney problems. Therefore taking ayurvedic medicine or treatment will be helpful in treating high creatinine.

High creatinine levels indicate one of the several underlying health problems that require the right medical treatment. After treating the underlying cause, creatinine levels should get back to normal.

What is Creatinine?

Creatinine is a chemical waste product in the blood passing through the kidneys to be filtered and removed in the urine. The chemical waste is a by-product of the normal functioning of the muscle. The more the muscle is, the more creatinine they produce. Creatinine levels present in the blood show the muscle amount a person has and the number of functions of the kidney.

Generally, most men having normal kidney function have approximately 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL of creatinine, whereas most women with normal kidney function have between 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL of creatinine. Usually, women have lower levels of creatinine than men because, on average, women have less muscle as compared to men.

Several other factors that affect creatinine levels in the blood include activity level, body size, and medications.

Ayurvedic ways to reduce Creatinine

Ayurvedic medicines for creatinine are made up of a unique combination of natural ingredients and herbs with no artificial chemicals. Ayurveda reduces the increased levels of creatinine by ending the underlying root causes and symptoms related to it. In case the creatinine level is high because of diabetes, then Ayurvedic kidney experts (nephrologists) regulate it to decrease the high levels of creatinine. To reduce creatinine levels with Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic expert not only lessens the creatinine level but also rejuvenates the kidneys.

This is why now people are again adopting Ayurvedic methods and treatments to keep their kidneys healthy.

Allopathic treatment is also a method by which one can treat diseased kidneys. However, allopathy treatment only subdues the symptoms of the disease instead of curing the illness by preventing the root causes of the disease. In Allopathy treatments, there are only two methods to cure high creatinine levels or kidney disease that is dialysis and kidney or renal transplant. Both of the treatments have side effects and cause a lot of pain and health problems. Whereas on the other side, Ayurvedic medications treat the kidneys effectively and efficiently.

Creatinine is a byproduct of metabolism that is excreted from the kidneys. It can be affected by age, diet, and disease. There are many Ayurvedic medicines used in kidney disorders such as swelling related to diabetes, high blood pressure, renal problems brought on by old age and other conditions.

Creatinine treatment in ayurveda

Dietary modifications to reduce Creatinine levels

It’s been said there are many dietary changes that can be given a try for treating lower creatinine levels and underlying causes naturally. Below mentioned are a few of them for a person with high creatinine.

Avoid taking creatine in supplements.

Creatine is a natural compound formed in the liver. It’s transported to the muscles, and there it’s used for energy. When creatine is used as energy, it’s degraded into creatinine which is a metabolic byproduct.

People who want to reduce their creatinine levels in order to improve their kidney function should strictly not take creatine supplements.

Reduce protein intake

Eating large protein amounts can increase creatinine levels, at least temporarily. Specifically, cooked red meat can affect the creatinine level. The heat from cooking causes the creatine present in meat to produce creatinine.

People following diets with high red meat and other protein sources, such as dairy products, can have higher creatinine levels as compared to people who eat less of those foods.

Limit salt intake

Excessive intake of salt is a primary cause of high blood pressure (hypertension), which can lead to kidney problems. Processed foods are generally loaded with harmful agents, additives, and sodium which can lead to kidney issues.

Therefore, one of the best methods to naturally lower creatinine levels is by breaking down salt consumption in a day. Try and cut down the intake of salt and make use of natural spices and herbs to flavor the food. The salt intake shouldn't exceed more than two tablespoons in a day.

Eat more fiber

Fiber is an essential nutrient that aids digestion. It also helps balance out creatinine elimination in the body. Several studies have shown that a notable increase in fiber intake led to lower levels of creatinine in the body over some time.

Fiber can be found in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, pulses, legumes, and whole grains.

According to Ayurvedic principles, the human body contains three doshas - Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. The distress of these doshas is the cause of all the diseases. A kidney disorder is caused due to the disruption in pitta doshas.

Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda includes particular herbs that directly or indirectly affect kidney functioning to treat creatinine problems and helps in kidney recovery.

Physical activities and diet changes are essential in managing blood creatinine levels. It is recommended to maintain protein consumption within the recommended range for age and activity level because protein contains creatine, which later breaks down into creatinine.

Karma Ayurveda provides natural treatment for High Creatinine problems to cure them completely without any side effects.

Closing Thoughts

High creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is the only trustable, reliable and suitable treatment to lower the higher creatinine levels in the human blood naturally. Ayurveda helps to treat the disease without any side effects.
