Creatinine Level

Ways to lower high creatinine level

Creatinine is basically a waste product of the muscles. In a healthy body, the kidneys filter creatinine from the blood and pass it through the urine. High levels of creatinine indicate kidney problems.

What’s creatinine?

Creatinine is a waste product in the blood coming from normal wear and tear of muscles. The kidneys are responsible for removing creatinine from the blood, so if a person’s kidney function declines, creatinine levels in the blood rise.

The greater the muscle mass, the higher the creatinine levels. This is the reason why males are likely to have higher creatinine levels as compared to females.

Primarily the body removes creatinine from the blood by filtration through the kidneys and then passes it out in the urine.

Home Remedies to naturally lower creatinine levels

The main way to keep creatinine levels under check and support good health is by ensuring that the kidneys are functioning well. If a person has high creatinine levels in the body, it's pertinent to schedule a health checkup immediately since it can be a possible cause of kidney problems.

Several dietary changes and home remedies are given to treat underlying issues and to lower creatinine levels naturally. Below mentioned are some of them.

Restrict the salt intake

Diets, including too much salt, contributes to the problem of high blood pressure. Processed foods are generally loaded with phosphorus and sodium, which potentially causes renal issues.

Strictly avoid supplements containing creatinine.

Creatine is a natural compound that is made in the liver and then transported to the muscles to get used for energy. When creatine is used as energy, it’s degraded into creatinine, which is a metabolic byproduct.

Creatine is available as an oral supplement. Some athletes use these creatinine-producing supplements to enhance their athletic performance.

Eat more fiber

A vast study is needed to find out the dietary fiber effects on creatinine levels. Nonetheless, a study showed notable reductions in creatinine levels in people with chronic kidney disease who intentionally increased their fiber intake.

Fiber are found in several foods, that includes:

  • Fruits

  • Whole grains

  • Vegetables

  • Legumes

Restrict the alcohol intake

Few kinds of research show that moderate alcohol consumption can decrease the danger of chronic kidney disease.

Whereas some other studies have shown that too much alcohol has the potential to damage the kidneys. It also contributes to conditions such as high blood pressure and alcohol dependency.

Yoga Asanas for High Creatinine Levels

Practice the below-mentioned yoga asanas as a sequence, performing each pose with an awareness of the breath. Hold the asana for 10-20 seconds each and repeat this up to 3 three times. Along with these poses, one can also practice pranayama techniques such as Kapal Bhati and Anulom Vilom.


Begin in Dandasana, stretching the legs out. One can keep the knees slightly bent. Reach the arms up and keep the spine straight. Exhale as the person bend forward from the hip. Hold the big toes with the fingers and hold the asana for a while.

Manduka Asana or frog pose

Sit in Vajrasana, and extend the arms in front of you. Fold the thumbs into your palms, and then wrap the remaining four fingers over it and ball the fist. Bend the arms at the elbows; place the balled fists over your navel. Bend the upper body and place it over your lower body. Stretch the neck and focus the gaze forward.

Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine for bringing life back on track.

As per Ayurvedic principles, there are in total, three doshas in the human body - Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. The deprivation of these doshas is the cause of all the diseases. A kidney disorder is caused because of the disruption in pitta doshas.

High Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda has a few particular herbs that directly or indirectly affect the functioning of kidneys to treat creatinine problems and helps in recovery.

Physical activities and diet changes play an essential role in managing blood creatinine levels. It is recommended to maintain protein consumption within the recommended range for age and activity level because protein contains creatine, which later breaks down into creatinine.

Karma Ayurveda provides natural treatment for High Creatinine problems to cure them completely without any side effects.


High creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is the only trustable, reliable and suitable treatment to lower the higher creatinine levels in the human blood naturally. Ayurveda helps to treat the disease without any side effects.