Exploring Emotions

Get in touch with your emotions and discover how your feelings affect your perception of the world around you.

Step 1: Your Emotions

Feelings - Make a list of your feeling words.

Ask yourself questions like:

What is my mood today?
How do I feel most of the time?
How do I feel when I am doing something new?
How do I feel at work?

How do I feel around family?


Step 3: Sort your words into categories

When you are at your best

When things are less than ideal


Step 4: Reimagine

Reinforce or change your focus

Positive Words - Expand on these.

Negative Words - Come up with the opposite of this word.

Positive vs Negative Space

Step 2: Illustrate your words

Make a doodle that represents each of your feeling words.

Illustration Techniques

Line Drawing - continuous flow of your pencil

Shapes - use simple shapes in different configurations

Sketches - representational objects

Abstract - expression of mood

Line Drawing




Step 5: Add color

Palet - Choose your favorite 2-3 colors

Prioritize -
primary color - represents your essence
secondary color - represents outside forces
accent color - optional


Step 6: Perception

"Perception" is an exploration of self.
Ask yourself these questions. . .

What do these images say to you?
How do you interpret events?
How do you interact with the world based on your perceptions?

Atlanta's ART "Perception" series using Airbrush Art

Perception Series - Airbrush Art

Finding deeper meanings