Butterfly Poems

"Peacock Pansey Butterfly"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Garden of Innocence

In the garden,
once the rain is gone,
I feel the gentle breeze,
drying up my tears,
Innocence retained.

"Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Garden of Radiance

In the garden,
as dawn breaks into day,
I watch the flowers bloom,
the fresh scents overtake,
Radiance remains.

"Orange Butterfly"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Garden of Joy

In the garden,
when I close my eyes,
I hear the children laugh,
playing at their games,
Joy regains.

"Eastern Tiger Swallowtail"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Garden of Love

In the garden,

a taste of bittersweet

still lingers in my mind.

The butterflies take flight,

and Love sustains.

Mourning Cloak

Shining at first light

The Mourning Cloak breaking free
Herald of new life 

Painted Lady

Tenderness and grace

A Painted Lady appears

Rebirth of my love

Black Swallowtail

Flying with free will

The Black Swallowtail triumphs
Embracing the rain 

Gulf Fritillary

Compassionate heart

The Gulf Fritillary beams
Transforming to joy  

Zebra Swallowtail

Radiating beauty
the Zebra Swallowtail glides gently
Unifying Heaven and Earth 


Transcending through air

A Monarch shining brightly

Hope rises above

"Butterfly Wings"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Angel's Wings

With Angel's wings
you are set free.
Your soul released
and now at peace.

See how you soar.
Bright colors shine.
New life is born
and filled with love.

Gently you go
on silent wings.
New hope surrounds
and lifts us up.

"Butterflies in the Rain Garden"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Butterflies in the Rain Garden

I set you free
into the rain garden.
Now spread your wings,
and fly above this earth.

Let my love be
the air you ride upon.
I feel the breeze
connecting you to me.

And rain may come,
but water nourishes.
And lonely winter
is but a resting stage.

As summer shines
on the rain garden,
we'll meet again
when flowers bloom. 

"Heart of the Butterfly"

By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Hearts in the Garden

I leave you my heart.
Take care of my love.
I’ve planted it here,
in the garden, to grow. 

On butterfly wings,
my heart now soars
to skies up above,
my heart in the clouds.

Love flows through my heart
like wind in the leaves.
My heart is a fountain
outpouring with love.

Build on my strength
use my heart as a brick.
A promise of love,
my heart written in stone.

Like a mirror reflecting
you see my heart in the stream.
It is filled with my love
and given to you.

Find my heart in the garden.

Show the world what you see.

Share the love that I gave you.

That’s how you send it to me.

"Butterfly Ripples"
By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Butterfly Ripples

Your life force ripples
One thousand butterfly wings
Spreading through the world 

"Garden of the Butterfly"
By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Garden of the Butterfly

In the garden,
once the rain is gone,
I feel the gentle breeze,
drying up my tears,
Innocence retained.

In the garden,
as dawn breaks into day,
I watch the flowers bloom,
the fresh scents overtake,
Radiance remains.

In the garden,
when I close my eyes,
I hear the children laugh,
playing at their games,
Joy regains.

In the garden
a taste of bittersweet
still lingers in my mind.
The butterflies take flight,
and Love sustains. 

"Spirit of the Butterfly"
By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Spirit of the Butterfly

The butterfly is lively and full of energy,

A never ending fountain of youth,

as we just stare in amazement.

Does she even know we are watching?

The butterfly dances to a song only she hears,

A dance that comes from the inside out,

Her inner soul revealed.

Does she know how much joy she brings us?

The butterfly spreads her wings in triumph,

Never doubting, eager to please,

Sharing herself with us.

Does she know how beautiful she is?

The butterfly moves where God tells her to,

Settling down only long enough to touch you.

Then she is off again on another of God’s errands.

Does she know how she has healed us?

You are my gentle butterfly.

Floating innocently along.

Saying more with actions than with words,

A tender softness that warms our hearts.

Do you know how much we love you?

"Butterfly Tree"
By Atlanta Marie Carrera

Butterfly Tree

The butterfly tree
weaves golden dreams
with a rainbow of smiles.

Countless wings
soaring upward
leave a trail of love.

An unknown angel
leads spheres of light
as good deeds shine.

Happiness flows
like a river of joy
through bright colored wonder. 

"Garden Fairy"
By Atlanta Marie Carrera

A Ray of Sunshine

Somewhere deep inside,
a ray of sunshine hides.
Planted long ago,
waiting patiently to grow.

Hidden behind my fears.
Watered only with my tears.
Emerging forth just now,
Springing to life somehow.

Forming as we speak.
Continuing to peak.
Breathing in fresh air,
Change from everywhere.

Delicate, yet strong.
Nurtured all along.
Growing by your hand,
Thoughtful, yet unplanned.

Spreading now, its rays,
for all those future days.
A beacon for all to see
Glorious and free.