
Early Level Resource Bank

SCN 0-01a                                                                                                        

I have observed living things in the environment over time and am becoming aware of how they depend on each other.

I have helped to grow plants and can name their basic parts. I can talk about how they grow and what I need to do to look after them. 

I have experienced, used and described a wide range of toys and common appliances. I can say ‘what makes it go’ and say what they do when they work. 

By investigating how water can change from one form to another, I can relate my findings to everyday experiences. 

I have experienced the wonder of looking at the vastness of the sky, and can recognise the sun, moon and stars and link them to daily patterns of life. 

Through everyday experiences and play with a variety of toys and other objects, I can recognise simple types of forces and describe their effects. 

I know how to stay safe when using electricity. I have helped to make a display to show the importance of electricity in our daily lives. 

Through play, I have explored a variety of ways of making sounds. 

I can identify my senses and use them to explore the world around me. 

Through creative play, I explore different materials and can share my reasoning for selecting materials for different purposes. 

I can talk about science stories to develop my understanding of science and the world around me.