Conference Presentations

Breakout session presented at OCALICONLINE 2022 on November 15, 2022

Presenters: Christine Fox, CAST; Angel Morgan, North Carolina State University


The Center on Inclusive Technology in Education Systems (CITES) Project empowers school districts to create and sustain inclusive technology ecosystems that foster intentional collaboration between EdTech, AT, and InfoTech to benefit students with disabilities and all students.​ This session explains the critical elements for parent engagement within the CITES framework and identifies resources to support the engagement of parents of students with disabilities. ​

Panel discussion presented at The 8th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: Learner Voice on July 27, 2022

Presenters: Angel Morgan and Maggie Pickett


Meaningful family engagement is fostered when students, parents, and families are at the center of district technology planning. Join the CAST Technical Assistance team as they host a group of learners and caregivers who share their experiences using technology as a tool to access learning. 

Pre-recorded video session presented at the US Office of Special Education Programs Leadership Conference July 2022​

Presenters: Christine Fox, CAST; Angel Morgan, North Carolina State University


This session emphasizes how meaningful engagement with families supports the development of an inclusive education ecosystem. Learn from examples of parents/guardians joining school teams to move the needle in collaborative planning, putting the student first to ensure equitable access to all learning materials.

Poster session presented at the NCSU College of Education Research Celebration in March 2022

Presenter: Angel Morgan, North Carolina State University


This poster presents a systematic literature review that explores the current literature base related to family engagement within the inclusive technology ecosystem. Twenty-one studies were included in the review from articles located using boolean searches in the ProQuest Education, PsychInfo, and ERIC databases. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory was selected as the theoretical framework for the review because it associates the many contextual influences on a child’s development. The review discusses family engagement related to: 

The literature view ends by describing gaps and future research recommendations for learning, teaching, assessment, infrastructure, and leadership that have the potential to inform educational laws and policies in the macrosystem and enable continuous improvement of learning and assessment at all levels, in all places, and for students of all backgrounds. 

Asynchronous website session presented at The 6th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: UDL Rising in August 2020

Presenter: Angel Morgan, North Carolina State University


Peer acceptance establishes a solid foundation where all students may succeed socially, emotionally, and cognitively in an inclusive learning community.  This website presents learner, instructor and pedagogical barriers to acceptance of neuro, gender, culturally, and racially different learners by peers in inclusive learning communities. It also shows strategies for learners and teachers to promote acceptance of diverse learners conceptualized within the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. The questions “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” “Why,” and “How” are used to shape the context of implementing peer acceptance strategies. Finally, the website presents ideas for system supports necessary for implementing peer acceptance strategies.