Light Dependent Resistors

Light Dependent Resistors

Light dependent resistors, also known as photoresistors, are passive electronic components whose resistance changes in response to incident light intensity. This phenomenon arises from the photoconductivity effect, where light excites electrons within the LDR material, increasing its conductivity and decreasing its resistance. While the basic principle is straightforward, the relationship between light intensity and resistance is not always linear, leading to various non-linear responses that need to be considered in their applications.

Types of Non-Linear Responses:

Response Time

The response time of a light dependent resistor (LDR) being slow stems from several fundamental physical processes within the semiconductor material:

1. Carrier Generation: Upon light absorption, electrons within the semiconductor gain enough energy to jump from the valence band to the conduction band, becoming mobile charge carriers. This process, however, isn't instantaneous. It depends on the photon energy (wavelength) and the material's bandgap. Some photons don't have sufficient energy, and even for suitable photons, there's a probability factor involved. This probabilistic nature contributes to the delay in generating enough carriers for significant resistance change.

2. Recombination: Excited carriers don't remain indefinitely in the conduction band. They eventually "recombine" with holes in the valence band, losing their excess energy and returning to their original state. This recombination process also takes time, further contributing to the overall response time. Factors like material defects and impurities can influence the recombination rate, impacting the LDR's speed.

3. Trapping: In some materials, excited carriers can become temporarily trapped in energy states within the bandgap, known as traps. These traps delay the carriers' contribution to conductivity, slowing down the overall response. The number and type of traps within the material determine the extent of this effect.

4. Material Properties: Different LDR materials possess inherent characteristics affecting their response times. For example, materials with larger bandgaps generally require higher energy photons for excitation, leading to slower responses. Additionally, materials with higher carrier mobility tend to exhibit faster response times.

5. Temperature Dependence: Response time is also temperature-dependent. Higher temperatures generally increase carrier mobility and reduce recombination rates, leading to faster responses. However, excessively high temperatures can also increase leakage currents and negatively impact performance.

It's crucial to note that these factors often interact, making the LDR response time a complex phenomenon. While some materials like lead sulfide offer faster response times (<1ms), others like cadmium sulfide may have response times in the tens of milliseconds. Carefully considering these underlying mechanisms and their interplay is essential when selecting and using LDRs for applications requiring specific response characteristics.

Typical cadmium sulfide LDR characteristics

630 nm for red, 532 nm for green, and 465 nm for blue light.

Street lamp circuit.

Amplifier with light dependent audio gain. The circuit uses an electrical negative feedback approach.

Improving the response time of a light dependent resistor using  optical negative feedback.

An optical feedback technique extends the frequency response of cadmium sulfide LDRs and renders them useful at frequencies orders of magnitude above the internal 3-dB frequency of the photoconductor. 

The optical feedback maintains, or attempts to maintain, a constant summed input and feedback light on the CdS. This maintenance of operating point is useful, since simple frequency compensation of CdS is impractical because its internal 3-dB frequency is ambient illumination dependent. The optical feed- back stabilizes the operating point and hence the effective response time of the CdS, which permits simple frequency compensation.