Humidity Sensors

Humidity sensor.

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture in the air. A humidity sensor, also called a hygrometer, measures this moisture, usually reported as relative humidity (RH), which is the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum it can hold at that temperature. 

These sensors are used in various settings, from homes and greenhouses to weather stations and industrial processes, to ensure optimal conditions for comfort, health, or specific applications.

Unlike relative humidity, absolute humidity isn't about percentages. It tells you the exact amount of water vapor present in a given volume of air, like grams per cubic meter, regardless of temperature. Think of it as the pure water content, independent of how "full" the air feels. It's crucial in fields like meteorology and drying processes where the actual moisture level matters more than air's "saturation."

Dew point represents the temperature to which air must be cooled for water vapor within it to condense into liquid water. This threshold signifies a delicate balance between invisible vapor and manifest droplets.

Capacitive humidity sensor.

Capacitive Sensors

At its core, this sensor is a miniature capacitor, where two electrodes embrace a special material: a hygroscopic dielectric. Think of it as a sponge waiting to soak up water vapor. When the air is dry, this dielectric has a specific permittivity (how well it stores electrical energy). But introduce some moisture, and the water vapor gets absorbed, like tiny dancers joining the party.

This influx of water molecules dramatically changes the permittivity of the dielectric, boosting its capacity to store electrical energy, allowing more "guests" (water molecules) to participate. By precisely measuring this change in capacitance, we can deduce the amount of moisture present, and the relative humidity is revealed.

Linearity: Sensor response isn't always linear (0-100% RH). Depending on electronics, this can translate to systematic linearity error. Calibrate at points recommended by the manufacturer to minimize it.

Temperature: Affects hygroscopic properties, dielectric properties of water and sensor, and cable properties. Instruments usually compensate, but uncompensated use at diverse temperatures leads to large errors.

Hysteresis: Difference between ascending and descending humidity measurements. Varies based on factors like exposure time, temperature, and prior history. Increases with high humidity/temperature exposure.

Resistance humidity sensor.

Resistance-Based Humidity Sensors: Sensing Moisture Through Resistance Shifts

Unlike their capacitive cousins, resistance-based humidity sensors rely on changes in electrical resistance to detect moisture levels. Here's a breakdown:

Working Principle:



Types of Errors:


In thermal hygrometers, the change in thermal conductivity of air due to humidity is measured. These sensors measure absolute humidity rather than relative humidity,

Krypton hygrometer.

Optical Hygrometers: Unveiling Humidity Through Light Absorption

Optical hygrometers employ the elegant principle of light absorption by water vapor to quantify atmospheric humidity. This technique leverages the Beer-Lambert law, which dictates the attenuation of light passing through a medium proportional to the concentration of absorbing molecules. In this case, the medium is air, and the target molecules are water vapor.

The basic setup comprises a light source and a detector separated by a defined air volume. As light traverses the air, water vapor molecules selectively absorb specific wavelengths, attenuating the intensity reaching the detector. This attenuation directly correlates to the water vapor concentration, enabling humidity determination.

Several types of optical hygrometers utilize this principle, each with distinct light sources and detection methods:

Chilled mirror hygrometer.

Dew Point measurement with Chilled Mirrors

The sample air interacts with a chilled mirror, water vapor condenses onto its surface at the dew point. This condensation is then detected by an optoelectronic mechanism, triggering the feedback system to adjust the mirror's temperature, maintaining a dynamic equilibrium between evaporation and condensation.

These instruments offer good accuracy, capable of achieving 0.2°C in dew point measurement, which translates to roughly ±1.2% relative humidity in typical office environments. However they have significant long term maintenance issues.

Spectroscopic Advancements:

Recent innovations introduce spectroscopic chilled-mirrors, where the dew point is determined by the nature of the condensation analyzed through spectroscopic light detection. This approach mitigates many limitations of the traditional method, offering drift-free operation.