Analog Electronics

A collection of analog electronics circuits and design ideas for recreation and work.

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Photo Collection

Wire Wrapping

More Wire Wrapping

Prototyping Wire

Prototyping Wire 30 AWG

Rogowski Coil With A Counter-Wound Compensation Turn

OA85 Point Contact Germanium Diode

EI14 600:600 Ohm Audio Transformers, Iron Core, 800 Turns (290 mH) Per Winding, 140 Ohms DC.

Turning Inductor

BC108 BJT Family

MJ1000 Darlington Transistor - Opened

Tube (Valve) With Heaters Glowing

Copper Foil Tape For Prototyping, Under Carpet Speaker Connections and Magnetic Loop Antennas.

Vinyl Cutter PCB

Vinyl Cutter PCB 2

Inductive Heating Of A Ferromagnetic Material

Permeability Tuning

Marx Generator

Ceramic Resonator Internals

Ceramic Resonator Internals 2

You can sandpaper 2 edges of the ceramic plate down to raise the frequency.

Quartz Oscillator Module

Light Emitting Diode