Why Should You Buy Land? Industry Vet Ali Ata Answers



For many people, acquiring their own land is the hallmark of the American Dream. In addition, many people believe acquiring land is a sound financial investment. After all, as real estate veteran Ali Ata points out, land is a very limited resource, and there is only so much land to go around. This same sentiment led Mark Twain to famously declare, "buy land, they're not making it anymore."

Thinking about the future

For many people, buying land is seen as a way to invest in the future. It's a way to ensure that they'll have a place to call home, no matter what happens in the economy or the housing market. Land is also seen as a hedge against inflation; as the cost of living goes up, the value of land typically rises right along with it.

A little piece of the world

Another advantage of owning land is that it gives you more control over your surroundings. You're at the mercy of your neighbors and your homeowner's association regarding noise levels, pets, and property upkeep if you are renting your house. But if you own land, you can do whatever you want with it—build a fence, put up a shed, or whatever you please. Just make sure you follow the local zoning laws.

For posterity

Finally, Ali Ata says that many people simply enjoy owning land. They take pride in being a steward of their little piece of the world, and they find satisfaction in knowing that their descendants will be able to enjoy it as well.

The fact is that there are many good reasons to buy land. Just be sure that you're buying it for the right reasons and that you're prepared to handle all the responsibilities that come along with ownership, Ali Ata adds.

Ali Ata has written a series of blogs regarding the real estate industry. Access the articles here.