Faulty Flipping: Ali Ata Counts the Common Mistakes in House Flipping

First-time flipper? Ali Ata says that theres a renewed interest in flipping houses. Its a combination of the influence found from reality shows about house flipping and learning about how much money people make from flipping houses. Especially with all the intense demand for homes and sky-high prices this summer. But if youre looking to get into flipping houses, youll need to make sure you dont make these potentially costly mistakes.

Dont underestimate how much things cost.

This is one of the biggest problems that the veteran” flippers have with beginners. It may look simple and easy to do on television, but the costs accrued by flipping a house are no joke, and Ali Ata warns flippers to be prepared to shell out a lot to get great results. Consider it an investment.

Be patient, as excellence takes time.

It wont be a fast process either. The reconstruction and renovations that some houses will need (or that youll require for it) wont happen in the span of one episode. You have to be patient and wait for things to be done correctly. Youll also need to take the time to inspect the work and have professionals inspect it as well. You cant be negligent on this end.

Remember the 70% Rule.

Something that first-timers make is forgetting to adhere to the 70% rule. Ali Ata explains that you should not ever pay more than 70% of a propertys fixed-up fair market value. This gives you that all-important margin for upgrades while still making a profit. Dont be tempted to make the numbers work” for something like this, or youll find yourself taking a hit instead.

Dont forget those building permits!

Ensure everything is done above board with the proper permissions and permits according to the citys laws. The last thing you want is to be stopped halfway into your work because something isnt allowed. Those are costly mistakes.

Ali Ata says that house flipping can yield significant payoffs when you steer clear of the big pitfalls that could make things more costly or difficult for you. Don’t be your own worst enemy, and get things done right.