Ali Ata Gives Real Estate Predictions: What Will Happen in 2021?

Like the rest of the industry leaders, Ali Ata keeps tabs on what the future holds for real estate especially following the breakneck changes that 2020 has brought on. It's no secret that real estate has undergone something of an upheaval. Like many other industries, the world's changes had become deeply affected real estate, causing significant changes to what is selling and what isn't. But it may surprise some people to know that experts are feeling somewhat optimistic about what the future holds.

The Partial Recovery

To the surprise of many, the market has begun to show some signs of recovery. It's still a volatile situation and one that can change as rapidly as anything in 2020, but Ali Ata has noted that the housing market has remained strong. There has been a 44% month-over-month rebound, especially as people have begun looking for homes away from busy cities, heading more towards the suburbs. Experts believe that this strength may persist in 2021 as the global issue continues.

Problems with Unemployment

It's not all sunshine and positives, as over 30 million Americans have so far filed for unemployment. That could lead to a downturn, especially as the demand for housing also creates a short-term price increase on average. Furthermore, issues surrounding the economy continues to loom. This could lead to a V-shape in price expectations around the country.

Optimistic for 2021

Ali Ata echoes the other experts' sentiments, however. There are definite hallmarks to a strong fall and winter season for the housing market, and it will continue onto at least the first quarter of the next year. Buyers who may be on the lookout for their dream home need to act quickly—it may vanish before they know it.

All in all, Ali Ata feels that there's a lot of potential good ahead for the real estate industry in 2021. Though there is still uncertainty there, especially in commercial buildings and workspaces, the housing market's strength shows that there is still a vigorous industry bubbling.