Ali Ata Gives Tips for Landlords: How to Keep Great Tenants

Ali Ata has met his fair share of landlords, and almost all of them have a horror story or two about terrible tenants. Sometimes, its just not possible to avoid them. But what about good tenants, the ones who pay rent on time, care for the property, and dont cause trouble? Landlords hate bad tenants, and they hate to lose good ones. So, if you have great tenants, whats the best way to make sure you keep them staying on your property?

If they have concerns or maintenance issues, get to it right away.

For the people renting a property, their horror stories often involve having an issue about the property or appliance and the landlord dragging their feet on resolving it. Ali Ata explains that as a landlord, if you want to keep a good tenant, you need to keep your end of the deal by resolving maintenance problems or responding to them with updates about the fix.

Feature some great amenities on the property.

This could be recreational such as a gym or a communal pool. It can even be as simple as having reliable, high-speed wifi for the property; this is especially critical for people working from home. Even something like great, safe parking is very desirable for renters, and they wouldnt want to leave if they could help it.

Be proactive on getting leases renewed.

Ali Ata encourages landlords to reach out to tenants. Communicate with them. Find out what kind of amenities or conditions would make them want to pursue a long-term lease. And its advisable to reach out to them around 90 days before their lease is up as well. Ask them if theyre interested in renewing. This allows them to give things plenty of thought, and it also helps give you an early heads up if you need to find new tenants.

Ali Ata knows that being a landlord is not an easy job. Finding great tenants is hard, and keeping them is critical to a steady stream of rental income. Its a careful balance of being a great landlord and finding ways to get (and keep) great tenants. With the right moves, youll be keeping a property mostly full of reliable tenants and a good community.