Ali Ata Discusses Trends Affecting Real Estate 

Ali Ata on How Real Estate is Affected by Trends

The world of commercial real estate is an ever-changing landscape. With workplace trends constantly evolving, those looking to succeed as property developers must stay ahead of the curve. According to Ali Ata, most commercial real estate properties are office spaces. It means that understanding the ins and outs of workplace trends is essential. Several factors can significantly impact commercial real estate development, from open office plans to sustainability initiatives. By keeping a finger on the pulse of the latest workplace trends, property developers can position themselves for success in this dynamic industry.

Operational Flexibility

Like many trends, operational flexibility is caused by the market. Because of previous market downturns, Ali Ata points out that investors are now looking for a property's ability to stay flexible regarding their client's needs.

Operational flexibility considers the possibility of tenants coming and going. It also means that the building should accommodate every tenant's needs. This trend has led to the repurposing of some commercial real estate property spaces. These changes help accommodate the needs of incoming clients, Ali Ata adds.

The Human Experience

The human experience is one such trend. It is brought about by millennials joining the workforce. It is largely due to their expectation of the workplace being modern and livable. They also believe that workspaces should be collaborative rather than just functional areas.

This trend emphasizes open spaces and recreational areas. It also focuses on other spaces that promote productivity and creativity.


Another trend is sustainability. Ali Ata notes that a business's carbon footprint may not be visible. However, constant efforts by various organizations to ensure that companies are going green make sustainability a major trend worldwide.

A higher awareness of climate change brings about sustainability. Because of this, people know they need to take action. Practicing sustainability in commercial spaces can be done by incorporating and installing solar panels in the building's design. Another way to do this is to capitalize on natural lighting to reduce energy costs.

Can you think of other workplace trends that can affect real estate?

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