Ali Ata on the Interest of Millennials In Real Estate Investment

Given the rise in real estate investment, Ali Ata isn’t surprised that more millennials are getting in on the action. Millennials have now been a growing demographic in real estate investment, and there are many reasons why they have started to put their money into the industry compared to others.

Doubting the Stock Market and Stocks

A survey made by RealtyShares and Harris Interactive found that compared to commodities, bonds, and cash equivalents, millennials vastly preferred real estate over any other type of investment. The respondents reported they weren’t “certain” of the stock market, which had taken a beating given recent global upheavals.

Meanwhile, real estate remained stable and at a boom, outperforming the stock market over the past 16 years. For Ali Ata, it’s an indicator that millennials prefer to bet on a sure thing.

Tangible Assets

Another reason millennials are investing in real estate is because real estate is tangible compared to stocks. They can physically see (and use) a residence, a property, or even an acre of land in their name. Millennials prefer a physical manifestation of their investment rather than one represented only by receipts or a piece of paper.

Technology is the Way

Finally, millennials, who are the beginning of the tech-savvy generations, see the real estate market integration into IT as a positive sign. There’s no doubt that IT is the new trend in real estate, as Ali Ata has seen among the industry disruptors and trends.

With realtors and real estate agents moving to the online world through market platforms, investment platforms, and even opening up their websites with virtual tours and more, it’s familiar ground for millennials. Compared to stocks, which is still essentially a numbers game held on stock market floors.

Ali Ata believes that millennials can change how the real estate market operates. It’s a sign of new things to come, with new blood ready to integrate and embrace innovation.