Ali Ata on How to Sell a Luxury Home: 3 Things You Should Do

Ali Ata knows that selling a luxury home will be quite different from making a sale on a rental or standard single-family home.

Luxury properties come with a hefty price tag and are often only appealing to a specific clientele. It won’t be easy to market and will require some carefully chosen moves to make that all-important sale.

A typical luxury property buyer will be willing to spend a lot of money on a property that they deem worth it, and they will have plenty of expectations to go with that money. So if you’re looking to sell a luxury home, here’s what you need to think about.

1. Work with someone with experience.

Some realtors specialize in selling luxury homes. Ali Ata explains that it’s essential to work with one who has plenty of knowledge with how the market works so you won’t be taken by surprise about how some of the processes go. An agent who knows how to navigate the luxury real estate market can make sure that the pricing and advertising are done right for the property.

2. Timing is everything.

Local attractions, destinations, and geography all play a significant role in selling luxury property. This is why many luxury homes are found in upper-class districts or coastal locations. The location and the timing must go together with one another. For example, you want to sell a beautiful luxury beachside home during the summer, says Ali Ata.

3. Bring in the professionals.

You’ll need to hire a stager who knows how to make a piece of luxury property shine. You’ll also need an expert photographer and videographer to take high-production stills and videos of the location. These things are excellent for marketing purposes, particularly in social media where the property will attract plenty of attention and interested buyers.

For Ali Ata, the sale of a luxury home can be a huge windfall or a huge loss. It’s all about knowing when to sell and offering it in an attractive way to the right people.