Ali Ata: How to Sell Your Home During a Pandemic?

Although the home-selling market continues to recover from the setbacks brought by COVID-19, Ali Ata believes that the uncertainty remains. The outlook for home sales still relies on post-pandemic recovery. As the pandemic continues to affect our lives and our work, home-sale processes also experience new issues. Please continue reading to know how COVID-19 impacts how everyone sells their homes.

Government leaders recently permit professionals in the real estate industry to resume in-person work activities, given that they need to follow some specified restrictions. These restrictions include:

● Showings, appraisals, inspections, and walk-throughs should be by appointment and limited to no more than four people within the property’s premises at any one time.

● In-person open houses are still prohibited.

● Workers may only arrange private showings for owner-occupied homes, vacant homes, vacant land, and industrial and commercial property.

● Everyone needs to adhere to the social distancing measures that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended, in addition to any applicable state and local health-related restrictions.

Ali Ata believes that these limits will facilitate the sale of homes subject to stringent precautionary safety measures. Professionals in the real estate industry trust that they will significantly increase the volume of residential transactions consistent with the authorities’ requirements.

Although sales transactions for commercial real estate can be different, Ali Ata believes that parties still need to respect the social distancing and related national, state, and local health guidelines essential for minimizing further transmission of the COVID-19. Ali Ata also believes that brokers and other real estate professionals need to apply different tools to facilitate transactions after social distancing rules took effect. These tools include the following:

● Online listings

● Virtual real estate presentations for attracting prospective clients

● Remote virtual tours

● Direct interaction using real-time audiovisual technology, like Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime

● Electronic process executions and delivery of documents