Mobile Systems and Applications

4th year CTI-English, 1st semester, year 2021/2022 - orar CTI_Eng_IV.

This page can also be found at:

Lectures (Alexandru Topîrceanu)

  • Schedule: Wednesday 12-14 (weeks 1-14)

  • Location: Zoom / A110


  1. Presentation I: January 2022

  2. Presentation II: February 2022

  3. Presentation III: March 2022

Results (Campus Virtual): Exam & Lab

Laboratory (Darian Velciov)

  • Discord / B414, weeks 1-14

  • Project deadline: week 14, in lab

  • App competition: week 14+, SCMUPT2021

  • View your progress here

  • Project documentation details

Lectures slides available online on Campus Virtual (

Laboratory assignments

  • Assignment 1 - Android OS, Android Studio, the structure of an Android project, hello world.

  • Assignment 2 - Managing the UI: views, layouts, activities and intents.

  • Assignment 3 - Activity lifecycle, activity stack, manifest file, screen orientation and intent filters.

  • Assignment 4 - Asynchronous execution using foreground and background services.

  • Assignment 5 - Intercepting system events using broadcast receivers, notifications.

  • Assignment 6 - Data storage options, Google Firebase real-time database.

  • Assignment 7 - Types of data listeners in Firebase.

  • Assignment 8 - Handling data lists in Android, custom adapters.

  • Assignment 9 - ListView listeners for Firebase real-time database.

  • Assignment 10 - Offline persistence of data.

  • Assignment 11 - User authentication solutions.

  • Assignment 12 - Location and Google Maps.

Online resources and tutorials for Android

Online resources for Windows Phone OS

Introduction to Windows Phone 8 (Catalin Gheorghiu)

Online resources for iOS

It isn't the consumers' job to know what they want (Steve Jobs)

Cross-platform mobile app development

