[old] Social Networks

Step 1 - Extract your Facebook friendship graph:

  1. Login to Facebook.
  2. Load the Netvizz app and allow it to access your account.
  3. Under Step 1 enable all check boxes (sex, wall posts counts, interface language, profile age rank, declarative intensity).
  4. Under Step 2 click on "here".
  5. Once the network is created (~ 5-10 minutes) download it to a known location with right-click, save link as, and please name it "Your Full Facebook Name.gdf".

Step 2 - The Jung typology test:

  1. Browse to the online test.
  1. Read the instructions.
  2. Take your time an answer all (72) questions with sincerity.
  3. Once ready, click "Score It".
  4. Write down the result: the four letters and the corresponding percentages, e.g. I (5) N (26) T (22) J (15)
  5. Create a text file named "Your Full Facebook Name.txt" and copy-paste the following content into it (from the textbox on the right):
  6. Fill in your own information. Only change the information written in orange with your own personal information and results!

Step 3 - Submit your results

  1. Please email the gdf and txt files to alext@cs.upt.ro

Thank you

For your curiosity...

            1. // Your full facebook name
            2. name=Alexandru Topirceanu
              1. // E-I, S-N, T-F, J-P results
              2. ei=I 5
              3. sn=N 26
              4. tf=T 22
              5. jp=J 15
              1. // Personality group index:
              2. // 1-ISTJ 2-ISFJ 3-INFJ 4-INTJ
              3. // 5-ISTP 6-ISFP 7-INFP 8-INTP
              4. // 9-ESTP 10-ESFP 11-ENFP 12-ENTP
              5. // 13-ESTJ 14-ESFJ 15-ENFJ 16-ENTJ
              6. index=4

Read about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) on Wikipedia.

See famous people classified by the MBTI here.

Understand your temperament (picture on the right) with the Keirsey Temperament Sorter here.