Hour of AI: K-2

Essential Question: Can Machines Get Smarter?

K-2 Can Machines Get Smarter: AIforCA CSEd Week 2022

"What I Want To Teach A Machine" Activity

At the completion of the lesson, students can complete an activity that lets them choose what they would like to teach a machine. Students should:

Example Debrief for Healthy & Unhealthy Foods

Paper Activity Handout

Print a copy for each student

Google Slides Activity Version

Assign a copy to each student in Google Classroom

Seesaw Activity Version

Assign to students in Seesaw

If your students complete the activity, we would love to see what they want to train their machines to recognize. Please email any student examples to visionsbyvicky@gmail.com and you may see them featured here!

California K-12 CS Standards

K-2.DA.8 Collect and present data in various visual formats. 

K-2.DA.9 Identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, such as charts or graphs, to make predictions. 

AI4K12 Big Ideas in AI

K-2.3-A-ii Identify patterns in labeled data and determine the features that predict labels. 

K-2.3-A-iii Demonstrate how to train a computer to recognize something. 

K-2.3-C-i Create a labeled dataset with explicit features to illustrate how computers can learn to classify things like foods, movies, or toys. 

K-2.3-C-iii Examine a labeled dataset and identify problems in the data that could lead a computer to make incorrect predictions.