Can machines learn to identify things?

California K-12 CS Standards

AI4K12 Big Ideas in AI

Student Journal                 Teacher Slides             Teacher Guide

You can follow this page from the top to the bottom or use the Teacher Slides with the Student Journal!

Engage: What is AI?

What is AI?

Fill out your journal!

Here is one definition of AI

A program made by people that makes computers do things that seem intelligent (or smart) in the same way that humans are intelligent.

Write your definition of AI in your journal ! (if it is hard, students can copy the definition above)

Where is AI hiding??

Linked Google Slides File "Where is AI hiding?": 

Fill out your journal!

To Help teachers to learn more about AI in our lives and how to differentiate AI from non-AI machines, check the Linked Google Slides File "AI or Not??": (from Day of AI)

Explore: How Do Machines Gain Intelligence? 

In this section, we will explore how machine learn to be intelligent. We will learn how "machine learning" works. "machine learning" is provides machines the ability to learn without a specific program that explicitly tells it what to do. Let's explore how it works!

Linked Google Slides File "QUICK, DRAW!" 

Extend: Let's train a machine!

Train a model using Teachable Machine and use the model in your Scratch code!


Coming Soon!


So, CAN machines learn? 

How good are they?

Fill out your journal's "reflection" section!

Thank you for visiting the You Can Teach Day of AI 3-5 Grade Band Lessons!
Please share your feedback with us by filling out the Google Form!

The lesson was developed by Dr. Amy Eguchi @ UCSD with creative ideas from Ms. Vicky Sedgwick and Mr. Mark Loundy.

Questions? Please email Dr. Eguchi @