Day of AI 2024: K-2

Essential Question: How Can Computers Use Data To Understand The World? 

K-2 How Can Computers Use Data To Understand The World? - AIforCA 2024 Day of AI

Structure of Learning Activity


Materials Needed

California K-12 CS Standards

K-2.DA.9 Identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, such as charts or graphs, to make predictions.

In addition to the above standard, this activity relates to Practice 4. Developing and Using Abstractions of the K–12 Computer Science Framework as students identify common features in a dataset.

AI4K12 Big Ideas in AI Guidelines

K-2.1-B-ii Give examples of features one would look for if one wanted to recognize a certain class of objects (e.g., cats) in an image.

K-2.2-A-iv Identify the features that make each object in a collection unique, and create a table of features to organize the objects. 

K-2.3-A-ii Identify patterns in labeled data and determine the features that predict labels.

K-2.3-C-i Create a labeled dataset with explicit features to illustrate how computers can learn to classify things like foods, movies, or toys.