Day of AI: K-2

Essential Question: How does a computer know what word comes next?

K-2 How Does a Computer Know What Word or Phrase Comes Next? AIforCA 2023 Day of AI

Session Recording

Materials Needed

California K-12 CS Standards

K-2.DA.9 Identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, such as charts or graphs, to make predictions.
Students will be looking for patterns in the data added to the model to predict words that are likely to occur.

K-2.AP.10 Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms to complete tasks.
Students will be following an algorithm to add words to the model and to create their sentences.

AI4K12 Big Ideas in AI

K-2.4-A-i Demonstrate knowledge of the structure of language through tasks such as (a) generating plausible and implausible novel words, or (b) reordering the words in a scrambled sentence so that it makes sense