Day of AI: K-2

Essential Question: Can Machines Get Smarter?

K-2 Can Machines Get Smarter: AIforCA 2021-22 Day of AI


At the completion of the lesson, students will complete a Debrief Handout that lets them choose what they would like to teach a machine. They will include two labeled classes for the data and draw or find pictures of what would be included for each label. 

Example Debrief for Healthy & Unhealthy Foods

Paper Debrief Handout

Print a copy for each student

Google Slides Debrief

Assign a copy to each student in Google Classroom

Seesaw Debrief

Assign to students in Seesaw

California K-12 CS Standards

K-2.DA.8 Collect and present data in various visual formats. 

K-2.DA.9 Identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, such as charts or graphs, to make predictions. 

AI4K12 Big Ideas in AI

K-2.3-A-ii Identify patterns in labeled data and determine the features that predict labels. 

K-2.3-A-iii Demonstrate how to train a computer to recognize something. 

K-2.3-C-i Create a labeled dataset with explicit features to illustrate how computers can learn to classify things like foods, movies, or toys. 

K-2.3-C-iii Examine a labeled dataset and identify problems in the data that could lead a computer to make incorrect predictions.