A Framework for     Studying      Disruption Innovation

Essential Question: 

How do Innovations Disrupt?

High School Teacher Guide: Framework for Studying Disruptive Innovation

California K-12 CS Standards

9-12.IC.23 Evaluate the ways computing impacts personal, ethical, social, economic, and cultural practices.

9-12.IC.24 Identify impacts of bias and equity deficit on design and implementation of computational artifacts and apply appropriate processes for evaluating issues of bias.

AI4K12 Big Ideas in AI

9-12.Impact 5-A-i Explain how use of AI systems has led to disparate impacts on different groups.

9-12.Impact 5-B-i Explain the kinds of debates that might arise as AI technology continues to evolve and is further woven into our culture.

Structure of Learning Activity

For the 2 large projects specified, each is designed to take roughly one school week with the following structure:

The Framework itself can be applied as a way for the class to analyze anything with innovation. Once students get used to using it, it won't necessarily add time to discussion so much as just provide the students a go-to-focus.


Lesson Plans, Assignment Specifications, Student Work and Other Resources shared on Google Drive!