Masters in Nursing 2023 | Course details - AHZ Associates


Students who want to continue their studies in their chosen specialisation can always benefit from the (MSc) Masters in Nursing programme in the UK. In addition to gaining a high-quality education, students gain real-world experience that will benefit them in their future careers. The following list includes a few of the master's programmes offered by top UK universities:

Below you will find most of the UK programs that are offered.

Course Details

In order to advance their careers in the healthcare industry, students aspire to earn a better degree in nursing. Therefore, this programme is created with precise knowledge and valuable items. The duration of the programme is one to three years. There are numerous specialisation options available. Students have the opportunity to study various working methods, cultural perspectives, and other things. Universities in the UK also offer opportunities to obtain experience working for the NHS.

Entry Requirements

Fee range

10,000 GBP to 40,000 GBP

Every year, the best universities in the UK award scholarships to international students for master's degrees in nursing.

Scholarships from the Florence Nightingale Foundation

The Margaret Parkinson Scholarships provide annual awards of up to £2,000.

Queen’s University Belfast Patricia Napier Awards

Up to £10,000 is available through The Barbers' Company Clinical Nursing Scholarship.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN): Up to $1,000 is available.

Alumni Scholarship for Nursing Studies at the University of Edinburgh - £3,500


Nursing graduates can work as both nurses and midwives. According to research, 94.2% of UK nursing graduates are employed. The pay is also excellent. The social care industries in the UK also provide nursing professionals with opportunities. Nurses are respected everywhere Outside the British Isles and have professional options.