Nick of Nick Hall (2023) - Errol

The Radio Adventures of Maggie & AAlgar (2023) - The Colonel

Endeavor season 2 (2020) - Tip, Q, Pok

Endeavor season 1 (2019) - D.K. Charles, Teveer, Ensign Sassock, Daimon Pok, Auo, Teveer, Yqueml

Tales from Nick Hall (2019) - Who cosplayer

Return to Contentment Corner (2019) - Narrator

The Radio Adventures of Dottie: Call of the Shadows (2019) - Native 4

Contentment Corner season 3 (2018) - Errol (deceased), Sheriff Bax Magma, Jad Cortland, Narrator

Gentleman Magician (2018) - Herbert

Mary Madison: Kill the Front Page (2018) - Herbert

The Radio Adventures of Dottie season 1 (2018) - The Colonel, Hamburger Sandwich, Tiny Stephen, The Bee, Pirate Dan, The Admiral

Mary Madison: Bury the Lead (2017)- Herbert

Tales of the Odd (2017) - The Colonel, Herbert

Keep Calm and Ooh-Da-Lay (2017) - Babs, Victoria

Nick and Willikins series 2 (2017) - The Colonel, Errol

Contentment Corner season 2 (2017) - Jad Cortland

Nick and Willikins Are Dead (2016)- Errol, Guild of Exceptional Chaps

Contentment Corner season 1 (2016) - Jad Cortland IV, Prince Serb Skycap

The Omce and Future Nick (2015) - The Colonel

Citizen Crotch (2015) - The Colonel