
This page is dedicated to Urdu poetry

"Golden Urdu Ghazals" comprises of a collection of beautiful Urdu Ghazals. Those of you who dont know the Urdu script are in luck. I have translated them to English script! These ghazals are listed in alphabethical order by author. They include poetry by the last Moghul Indian Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar

"Golden Urdu Ghazals Part 2" is another wonderful collection of beautiful Urdu Ghazals.

Mirza Ghalib was a peerless urdu poet. Here I have a collection of Mirza Ghalib's Urdu poetry which is translated in to English for the benefit of beginners. Here is a nice website where you can learn more about this poet.

"The poetry of Iqbal" is another one of my favorite poets.

You Will Never Grow Old. is a novel about Urdu poetry. This link is pretty large and may take long to download, so this a link to the introduction.

Some Links to other interesting sites:

Learn to read urdu

English-Urdu Dictionary

Ghazals of Mirza Ghalib

Urdu Poetry Archive


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