
Ghazals of Ghalib


Translated by







1.         Yeh na thee hamaari khismath kae visaale yaar hoathaa

Agar aur jeethe rahthae yahee inthizaar hoathaa.


It was not my destiny to have a confidential companion

Were I to live longer this would still be a longing.




2.         Yeh masaaile thassauuf yeh thaera bayaan Ghalib

Thujhe ham valee samajhthae joe na baadah-khwaar hoathaa.


These mystic propositions your testimony oh Ghalib

A prophet we would honour were you not to be inebriate.




3.        Thee vathan mae shaan kya Ghalib

kae hoe gurbath mae khadar

Bae-thakalluf hoon voh mushthe-khas

kae gulkhan mae naheen.


What respect in my country I had Ghalib,

to expect respect by emigration

I am that prolific handful of grass,

that is not found in candied roses.


4. Na jaanoon naek hoon yaa bad hoon

par suhbath mukhaalif haye

Joe gul hoon thoe hoon gulkhan mae

joe khas hoon thoe hoon gulshan mae.


Am I good or am I sinful,

but the companionship is comforting

If I am rose, I will be in candied rose,

were I husk still I will be in the garden.




5.     Khaidae-hayathae bande-gam asl mae doanoe yek hain

Mauth sae pahlae aadmee gam sae najaath paaye kyun.


Trapped soul, bounded sorrow in fact are the same entity

Why does man before death wish for liberation from misery.




6.     Banaa-kar fakeeroan ka ham bhaes Ghalib,

Thamaashaaye ahle karam daekhthae hain.


Making the garb of beggars oh Ghalib

We watch the fun and frolics of the world.




7. Sunthae hain joe bihishth kee thaareef sab durusth

Laikin khudaa karay voh thaera jalwah-gaah hoe


We hear of heavens praises of perfection

Oh God ! I wish it were her nuptial throne.




8. Seekhae hain mukh-rukhoan kae liyae ham musavvaree

Thaqreeb kuch thoe bahre mulaaquaath chaahiyae.


For the benefit of the flippants I have learnt the art of pet-talk

Whatever be the occasion there should be association.

9.        Nasho-vo-nama haye asl sae Ghalib furoa koe,

Khamooshee hee sae nikle haye joe baath chaahiyae.


Growth – Oh Ghalib in reality is, practical parts of religion,

Productivity of silence is necessary for good advise.




10.    Har yek makaan ko hai makeen se sharf Asad,

Majnoo joe mar gayaa haye jangal udaas haye.


To every house, Oh Asad It’s resident lends dignity,

Majnu is dead, the forest is in mourning.




11.    Hasthee keh mat- faraeb mae aajayiyoe Asad,

Aalam thamaam halqua daame khayaal haye.


The desires of peculation you get in oh Asad,

The entire human fraternity has become cost conscious.




12.    Bae-khudee bae sabab naheen Ghalib,

Kuch thoe haye jis ki parda-daaree haye.


Senselessness is not without reason oh Ghalib,

There is something being concealed.




13.    Ghaarath-garae naamoos na hoe gar hawase-zar

Kyun shaahid-gul baag sae baazaar mae aaway.


Plundering of chastity were not to be the passion of pollen

Why should the beloved rose from garden be brought to market place.






14.    Ganjeena maani kaa thilsim usko samjhiyae,

Joe lafz keh Ghalib maere ishaar mae aavey.


A treasure of meaning enchanting do observe

Which words oh Ghalib in my verses appear.




15.    Choadee Asad na ham nae gadaaee mae dil-lagee,

Saail huvae thoe aashique ahle-karam huvae


Abandon Asad we did not humour in poverty

Beggars though we were lovers of charity we became.




16.    Aur thoe rakhnae koe ham dahar mae kya rakhthae thae,

Magar yek shair mae andaaze rasaa rakhthae thae.


What could I store in a lifetime as achievements

But in a lyric nectar of vision I treasured.




17.    Iss ka yeh haal keh koyee na ada sanj milaa

Aap likhthay thae ham aur aap uthaa rakhthae thae.


Lo ! the tragedy was, there was none to appreciate

I used to write and I myself kept it in safety.




18.    Zindagee apni jab is shakl sae guzree Ghalib

Hum bhi kya yaad karaenge keh khudaa rakhthae thae.


Life when passed in such phases oh Ghalib

What could I console myself as a creature of God.







19.    Maye nae roaka raath Ghalib koe vagarna daekhthae,

Uske saile giriya main gurdoan kafay sailaab thaa


To night we stopped Ghalib otherwise we would have seen

As his house was flooded by firmament of misfortune.




20.    Aaj vaan theegoe-kafan baande huvae jaatha hoon maye

Oozr maere khathl karnae mae voh ab laayengae kya.


Today carrying sword and shroud, bundled under my arm I go,

Wonder ! what weapon for my execution, has been selected for the encounter.




21. Maye nae majnoo pae ladakpan mae Asad,

Sang uthaaya thaa keh sar yaad aaya.


Looking at Majnu oh Asad; in your adult hood

You picked up a stone and you remembered your own head.




22. Thee khabr garm keh Ghalib kae udengae purzae,

Dekhnae ham bhee gayae thae pa thamaasha na huva.


There were warm rumours that Ghalib will be torn apart

To watch the fun I too went, but disappointment, show there was none.




23. Baedaade ishq sae naheen darthae magar Asad

Jis dil pae naaz thaa mujhe voh dil naheen raha.


From unrequited love I am not afraid oh Asad,

Which heart I prided, that heart ceased to be.


24. Ham kahaan kae danaa thae, kis hunar maie yaktha thae,

Bae sabab huva Ghalib dushman aasmaan apna.


Where I was an expert, in which art I was exclusive

Without reason oh Ghalib, the sky bore enmity to me.




25. Poochthae hain voh kae Ghalib kaun haye,

Koyee bathlaavoe keh ham bathlayengae kya.


They are asking who is Ghalib

Will some one tell me what do I tell them.




26. Bakshae haye jalwa-gul zauk thamaasha Ghalib,

Chashm koe chaahiye har rang mae vaa hoejana.


Nature has bestowed in bunch of flowers such joy and pleasure oh Ghalib,

It is necessary for the eye to remain open, to absorb every shade of colour.




27. Loe ham mareeze ishq kae beemaardaar hain,

Achcha agar na hoe thoe maseeha ka kya ilaaj


Lo I’m attendant of love’s patients

If there’s no miracles why fault powers of Jesus(Christ).




28. Paathae naheen jab raah thoe chad jaathae hain naalae

Rukthee haye maere thabaa thoe hoethee haye ravaan aur.


When stream is stopped poetic flow does rise

When my inspiration is blocked it spills over the brim.





29. Karz kee peethase thae mayae laikin samajhthae thae keh haan,

Rang laavegi hamaari faaqua masthi yek din.


Used to drink borrowed wine, but consoled myself well

One day this concealment of hunger will sparkle colourful beams.




30. Nagma haaye gam koe bhee, aye dil ganeemath jaaniyae.

Bae radaa hoe jaayega yeh saaz hasthi yek din.


Verses of pain and sorrow Oh heart think as blessings,

Barren it soon will be, this sound of music one day.




31. Khaasid kae aathe aathe khat yek aur likh rakhoon,

Maiye jaantha hoon joe voh likhaenge jawaab mae.


While the bearer is reaching let me write one more letter

I know what they have written to me in reply.




32. Thum unke waadae ka zikr unse kyun karoe Ghalib,

Yeh kya kae thum kahoe aur voh kahaen keh yaad naheen.


Why mention to them oh Ghalib of their promises.

Lest you remind them and they say, We do not remember !




33. Had chaahiye sazaa mae akhoobath kae vaasthae,

Aakhir gunahgaar hoon kaafir naheen hoon maye.


There should be a limit to punishment for the sake of torture,

After all I am only a sinner not a (kafir) heretic.





34. Ghalib vazeefa-khwaar hoe, doe shaah koe duvaa

Voh din gayae keh kahthae thae, naukar naheen hoon maye.


Ghalib you are a petitioner, do praise the sovereign.

Those days are gone when you boasted, you are not a paid-servant.




35. Iss saadgee pae kaun na, mar jaaye aye khudaa

Ladthae hain aur haath mae, thalwaar bhee naheen.


This simplicity oh God, who will not welcome death.

They are fighting without so much as a sword




36. Hamaare shahr mae ab sirf dil-lagee keh Asad.

Khulaa keh faaida, arze hunar mae khaak naheen.


In our city except laugher oh Asad.

The profits of exchange, for talent there is no appreciation.




37. Pakdae jaathe hain farishthoan kae lickhoan par naahaque.

Aadmi koyee hamara dam thahreer bhee thaa.


We are being arraigned on the complaint of angels unnecessarily.

Is any man acquitted in self confessed innocence.




38. Rahiyae ab aysee jagah chal kar jahaan koyee na hoe.

Ham sukhan koyee na hoe aur hum-zabaan koyee na hoe.


Stay now at such place, wandering where no one has an abode.

None to share your expressions, no one to speak in assent.






39. Bae-dar-vo-deewaar saa yek ghar banaaya chaahiyae.

Koyee hamsaaya na hoe aur paasbaan koyee na hoe.

No doors nor walls of privacy such a home let us build.

Let there be no neighbours, no one near enough to help.




40. Padiye gar beemaar thoe, koyee na hoe beemaar daar.

Aur gar mar jaaye thoe, nooh-khwaan koyee na hoe.


When we are sick, let there be no one to nurse.

And in case we die, no one to mourn our death.




41. Paynas mae guzarthae hain, joe koochae sae voh maere.

Kandha bhi kaharoan koe, badalnae naheen daethae.


In palanquin do they pass, In front of my house as they.

To stop and exchange the shoulders, the bearers they do inhibit.




42. Oog raha haye daro-deewaar sae sabz Ghalib.

Ham bayaabaan mae hain aur ghar mae bahaar aayee haye.


Growing on our painful wall is greenery Ghalib.

I am in desert and in my home there is spring.




43. Maara zamaane nae Asadulla Khan thumhaen .

Voh valoole kahaan voh jawaanee kidhar gayee.


Ruthless world has killed you oh Asadulla Khan.

Where is that spirit, where that youth has gone.






44. Hoagaa koyee aysaa Ghalib koe na jaanae ?

Shaair thoe voh achcha haye pa badnaam bahuth haye.


Is there any one who does not know Ghalib ?

Poet he is a good one, but infamous as well.




45. Ishq nae Ghalib nikamma kar diyaa

Varna ham bhee aadmee thae kaam kae.


Love has made you worthless oh Ghalib.

Otherwise you too were man of substance.



46. Khat likhaenge garche mathlab kuch na hoe

Ham thoe aashiq hain thumhaare naam kae.


Billet-doux do I write, if has no meaning.

I am your lover of great reputation.




47. Thoone kasam maikashee kee khaayee haye Ghalib,

Thaeri kasam ka kuch aethibaar naheen haye.


You have taken a pledge to be a drunk oh Ghalib,

Your promises are not to be trusted.




48. Munahasir marnae peh hoe jiski ummeed,

Na-ummeedi uskee daekha chahiyae.


Those who rely on death for hope,

Hopelessness of such persons should be observed.






49. Chahathae hain khoobariyoan koe Asad,

Aap kee soorath thoe daekha chahiyae.


Desire for pretty faces Ghalib !

Should see your own face.




50. Ishq sae thabeeyath nae zeest ka mazaa paya

Dard kee dava payee dard be-dava paya.


Love obsessed paved existence ecstasy

Got pains cessation, but pain without any cause.




51. Booye-gul, naala-dil, doode-chirage-mahfil,

Joe thaere bazm sae niklaa sau paraeshan nikla.


Fragrance of flowers, lyrics from the heart, milky light of the assembly.

When passed your presence, hundred times felt emberassed.




52. Yeh laash bae-kafan Asad khastha jaan kee haye,

Haq maqfirath karae ajab azaad mard tha.


This corpse without a shroud is of wounded Asad (Ghalib),

Let truth be kept a secret, he was a strange self-willed man,




53. Dil mae phir girye nae y ek shoer uthaayaa Ghalib,

Aah joe khatra na nikla tha, sau thoofaan nikla.


The lamenting heart then sent such a cry oh Ghalib.

A sigh which had not surfaced stormed hundred fold.






54. Muhabbath thee chaman sae laikin ab yeh bea-dimaagi haye,

Keh mauje boove – gul sae naak mae aatha haye daam maera.


Enamoured I was with the garden but now this irritability,

With waves of fragrance of flowers I feel choked to death.




55. Haye ab iss maamoore mae khahathe – gum – ulfath Asad,

Hamne maana keh Dillhi mae rahaen, khaayengae kya ?


Now in this habitation oh Asad, there is only intimacy with scarcity and sorrow,

I agree we shall live in Delhi, but what do we eat ?




56. Ghar hamara joe na roatha bhee thoe veeraan hoatha.

Bahr gar bahr na hoatha thoe bayaabaan hoatha.


My home were I not to weep would still be deserted,

The ocean were not to have water would be a desert.




57. Ghalib na kar huzoor mae thoo baar-baar arz,

Zaahir haye thaera haal sub oon-par kahae bagair.


Ghalib do not importunate authority with repeated requests.

Your grievances are obvious to them without your bleating.




58. Aathish – parast kahthe hain ahle – jahaan mujhae,

Sar – garm – naala haaye, sharar-baar daekh kar.


Fire worshipper I am called by the entire world.

My earnest lamentations oh pity, the sparkling fire they display.




59. Bik jaathe hain ham aap mathaaye-sukhan kae saath,

Laikin iyaare – thaje khareedar daekh kar.


I am sold with the poetic merchandise

Not before I see the shrewed investors.




60. Aathae hain maere khathl koe, pur- joashe-rashk sae,

Martha hoon uske haath mae thalwaar daekh kae.


He is charging with envious bristling rage

I am dead just seeing the sword in his hand.



61. Na lad naaseh sae Ghalib, kya hoe agar usne shiddath kee.

Hamara bhee thoe aakhir, zoar chaltha haye garebaan par.


Do not fight the moralist oh Ghalib, what if he were to use violence.

Our power after all has a reach, only upto our own collar.




62. Naadaan hoe joe kahthae hain kae kyoon jeathae hain Ghalib.

Khismath mae haye marnae ki thamanna koyee din aur.


Naïve are those who say why do you live oh Ghalib.

Destiny has ordained that I desire death some other day.




63. Zabaane ahle zabaan mae haye marge khaamooshee,

Yeh baath bazm mae roashan hoathee haye zabaane shama.


Every tongue and collective voice is sealed by deadly silence,

But words get enlighted on earth by the tongue of the flame.






64. Karae haye sirf bu-eemaaye shoala khissa thamaam,

Batharze ahle fanaa haye fasaana khwaani shama.


The fire systematically destroys all the actions,

Lyrically does the flame put out the romantic fancies.




65. Rukhae nigaar sae haye sozo jaavidaani shama,

Huvee haye aathishe-gul aabe zindagaani shama.


A picture of beloveds face a passionate permanence is a flame,

Like a rose of fire, the water of life is a flame.




66. Mehrbaan hoe keh bula loe mujhae chahoe jis vaqth,

Maye gaya waqth naheen hoon keh phir aa bhee na sakoon.


As a favour call me any time

I am not past-tense that cannot be recalled.




67. Zauf mae thaana aghyaar ka shikwa kya haye,

Baath kuch sar thoe naheen haye keh uthaa bhee na sakoon.


In infirmity the reviling of others is hardly a reproach,

Speech is not my head that I cannot lift it.




68. Zahr milthaa hee naheen mujh koe sitham-gar varnaa,

Kya khasam haye thaere milnae ki khaa bhee na sakoon.


Poison I hardly get, oh torture otherwise I swear,

By your promise to meet me, I will not consume ?






69. Aathe hain daage hasrathe – dil ka shumaar yaad,

Mujh sae maere gunaah ka hisaab aye khudaa na maang.


I keep remembering the wounds of covetous heart unlimited.

Please do not oh God ask me to account for all my sins.




70. Khwahish koe ahmakhoan nae parishthis diya kharaar,

Kya poojtha hoon oos buthe-bedadgar koe maye.


Desire, idiots give status of prayer,

Do I worship those temples of idolatory ?




71. Chaltha hoon thoadi door har yek thaez-ro kae saath,

Puhanchtha naheen hoon abhee raha-ro koe maye.


I walk a short distance with every fleet – footed,

I’ve still not met any one who guides.




72. Yoon hee gar roatha – rahaa Ghalib, thoe ahlae jahaan.

Daekhna in basthiyoan koe thum keh veeraan hoe gayeen.


If Ghalib were to keep lamenting, listen oh world.

Watch these inhabitations, they will soon be deserted.




73. Maye chaman mae kya gayaa goyaa dabisthaan khul gayaa,

Bulbulean sun kar maere naalae ghazal – khwaan hoe gayeen.


What I visited the garden as if a school did open,

nightingales hearing my lamentations became experts in gazal recitation.





74. Mujh sae kaha joe yaar ne, jaathae hain hoesh kis tharah ?

Daekh kae maeri bae-khudee, chalnae lagee hawa kae yoon.


To me did my friends tell how does one loose the sense ?

Looking at my delirious state, breeze started blowing, as if !




75.            Joe yeh kahae keh ‘rekhtha kyun keh hoe rushk Farsee’,

Gufthah Ghalib yek baar pad keh usae sunaa keh ‘ yoon ’.


If she were to say ‘Is this urdu language or hateful Farsi ?’

Ghalib’s discourse were to be if read out to her ‘This way’.




76.            Khushee kya khaeth par maere agar sau baar abar aavae,

Samajhtha hoon keh dhoondae haye abhee sae barq khirman koe.


What happiness, that upon my fields clouds are spread hundred fold,

I know that the lightning is in search right now for pile of my unthrashed corn.




77.            Sukhan kya kah naheen saktha keh joe ya hoa jawaahar kae,

Jagah kya hum naheen rakhthae keh khoe-dain ja keh muadam koe.


Poetry can I not recite from the world of ether to the gems ?

Do I not possess the heart that can loose an entire mine ?




78.            Shahadath thee maeri khismath mae joe dee thi yeh khoo mujh koe,

jahaan thalwaar koe daekha jhuka daetha tha gardan koe.


Martyrdom was so inscribed in my fate, that gave me this disposition.

Whenever I saw a sword, my neck I offered naturally.





79.            Vafaadaaree basharthae usthwaaree asl eemaan haye,

Maere buth-khane mae thoe kaabe mae gaadoe brahmin koe.


Fidelity to humans is the most powerful true faith,

In my temple or in the kaaba go burry the Brahmin (preacher).




80.            Haye bazmae buthaan mae sukhan aazarda laboan sae,

Thang aaye hain ham, aysae khushaamad thalaboan sae.


In the dumb assembly is poetry on sorry lips,

I am fed-up with these seekers of flattery.




81.            Baedada vafaa daekh kae, Jaathee rahee aakhir.

Har chand maeri jaan koe tha rabth laboan sae.


Seeing empty praise did I loose equanimity,

My life was bounded with an oath with sealed lips.




82.            Hamaaree saadgee thee ilthifaathe naaz par marna,

Thaera aana na tha zaalim magar thamheed jaanae kee.


It was our simplicity to die for dignity of courtesy,

Your coming was nothing but a preparation for your leaving.





83.            Lapatna parniya maie shoala aathish ka aasaan haye,

Valae mushkil haye hikmath dil maie sozae gam chupaane kee.


Wrapping up in silk, a flame of fire is easier.

Than concealing in a turbulent heart stoking misery.





84. Dil sae thaeree nigaah jigar thak uthar gayee,

Donoe keh yek ada maie razamaand kar gayee.


Your glance, stifled from the heart right into the lungs

The two were bounded willingly in unison.




85. Nazzarae nae bhi kaam kiya vaan nikkhaab ka,

Masthi se har nigaah thaere rukh par guzar gayee.


The amorous glances did the work of the veil,

Lustful looks one by one spattered when came in contact with your countenance.




86. Jallad sae darthae hain na waaiz sae jhagad thae,

Ham samjhae hain ussae jis bhaes mae joe aayae.


Executioner do I fear nor fight with the preacher

I recognise them in whatever fancy dress they come.




87. Haan ahle-thalab ! kaun sunae naayafth,

Daekha keh voh miltha naheen, apnae koe hee khoe aayae.


Oh greedy people ! who will listen to reproach without profits,

Saw that they get nothing, themselves did they part with.




88. Apna naheen voh shaeva keh aaram sae baithain,

Dar peh naheen baar thoe kaabae hi hoe aayae.


It is not our habit to sit in comfort,

Saw her door closed visited kaaba and returned.






89. Kee hamnafsoan nae asre giryah mae thaqreer,

Achchae rahae aap oos sae, magar mujh koe duboe aayae.

My soul mates lectured in weeping wicked houses,

They remained good with them but me did they sink.




90. Oos anjuman naaz kee kya baath haye Ghalib,

Ham bhee gayae waan aur thaeri thaqdeer koe roe aayae.


What shall we say about this hosts of elites oh Ghalib,

We too went there and returned lamenting over our fate.




91. Naalae adam mae chand hamaarae supard thae,

Joe vaan na khich sakae soe voh yaan aake dam huvae.


Lamentations of non-entities a few came in my custody,

What could not be crammed there came to life here.




92. Yoon-hee dukh kisee koe daena naheen khoob, varna kahtha,

Keh maere adoe koe ya-rab milae maeri zindagaani.


Giving others pain is not good, otherwise I would have said,

Give my enemies oh God, my kind of living.




93. Ishrath suhbath khoobaan hee ganeemath samjhoe,

Na huvee Ghalib agar oomre-thabesi na sahee.


The pleasure of being near the beloved consider a blessing,

Even if Ghalib; such pleasure were not natural but forced !





94. Asad khushee sae maere haath paanvu phool gayae,

Kaha joe usnae; “zara maere paanvu daab thoe dae”.


Asad in happiness my hands and feet blossomed so,

That she told “ press down my feet a little while”.




95. Phir jee mae haye keh dar pae kisee kae padae rahaen,

Sar zaer baare minnathe darbaan kiyae huvae.


Again does the heart desire that I remain lying on your doorstep,

Under your supervision as your watchman.




96. Jee dhoondthaa haye phir vohee fursath kae raath din,

Baithae rahae thasawware jaanaa kiyae huwae.


The heart is searching for those idle nights and days,

Sitting with your imagination as soul companion.





97. Ghalib hamae na chaed keh phir joashe ashk sae,

Baithae hain ham thaheethar thoofaan kiyae huvae.


Ghalib do not provoke me, as with boiling tears,

I am perched, determined to make a storm within.




98. Kis sae mahroomi khismath kee shikaayath keejae

Ham nae chaaha keh mar jaayain, soe voh bhee na huvaa.


To whom do we complain about the damned fate,

I welcomed death, even that did not come to pass.






99. Baqadre zarf haye saaqee ! khumaare thashnakaami bhee

Jo thoo daryaaye mayae haye thoe main gamyaazah hoon saahil ka.


Is it politeness oh saaqi (wine server) to gloat in my misfortune,

You are a ocean of wine, while I am empty cup on the shore.




100.        Gar kiya naaseh nae ham koe khaid, achcha yoon sahee

Yeh junoone ishq kae andaaz choot jaayenge kya.


If the moralists were to incarcerate me, well let it be so

From the madness of passions of love will I be liberated ?




101.        Seenae ka daag haye voh naala kae lab thak na gayaa

Khaak ka rizq hay voh khatra keh darya na huvaa


The wounds of breast it is, the cry did not reach the lips

The food of ashes it is, the drop did not reach the sea.




102. Hazaaron khwaahishaen aisee keh har khwaahish pae dam niklae

Bahuth niklae maere armaan laikin phir bhi kam niklae.


Thousands of desires are such fulfillment of even one was terminal

Some of my longings were fulfilled still too few.




103. Thamna-shaaye gulshan thamanaaye chaidan

Bahaar aafreena gunahgaar hain ham.


Looking at a host of flowers, there is an impulse to pluck them

O creator of spring ! we are sinners.





104. Hawas koe haye nishaathae kaar kya kya

Na hoe marna thoe jeenae kaa maza kya.


Ambition has the sprightliness to do various activities

Without death what charm is there in life.





105. Agar apnae kaha thum aap hee samjhae thoe kya samjhae,

Maza kahnae ka jab haye yek kahae aur doosra samjhae

Kalaame Meer samjhae aur zabaane Mirza samjhae

Magar ab ka kaha yeh aap samjhaen ya khuda samjhae.


If what we say, only we understand what is the use

The pleasure of saying is when one says and others follow

The writings of Meer is understood and so words of Mirza

But what they say they alone follow or God understands.





106.       Na sathaish kee thamanna na saleh-kee parwaah

Gar naheen hain maere ishaar mae maani, na sahee.


No desire for encomniums or care for rewards

If my poetry is without meaning, so it be.


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