
Hello! My web trekking friend! In your travels you have now landed in my home on the web. Welcome!

I live in the city of Bombay in India where for over thirty years I practiced law. I retired a few years ago and now I have time for various projects that I fancy. Here I have presented a sample of my writings, some of them are about Urdu poetry. Urdu is an aurally pleasing language that is spoken in India and Pakistan whose natural flow lends itself well to the motion of poetry. I have found a number of spectacular poems written by a variety of poets that are in danger of being forgotten. To prevent this I have collected a number of poems and put them up on this website.

You will also find a number of essays that I have written; some dealing with human nature and others about some of the more interesting cases that I have dealt with. I hope you will have as much fun reading them as I have in writing them.

Best regards,

A.A. Kudrolli


Please send comments and corrections to:

A.A. Kudrolli


Some Links to other interesting sites:

Learn to read Urdu

English-Urdu Dictionary

Ghazals of Mirza Ghalib

Urdu Poetry Archive