
...---...(unidentified signal)

RedCandle AI 2022/02/03 18:02 



迎向虎年,赤燭在這邊祝大家虎轉乾坤行大運,新年年ㄋˉ呢快ㄎㄨㄞ快快快來救我3?.&|:€@, »!q^^¥<^?{.;&.&…,?l 

System detected an unidentified signal from outer space.

To locate the source of the signal, try creating a response with a matching waveform that’s 300 times the original strength. Noted the signal will be lost within 6 hours.

🔴 Boost red waveform 增強紅色訊號波
🟣 Boost purple waveform 增強紫色訊號波

[🔴(301) 🟣(110)]


Signal is successfully sent, narrowed the range of possible locations, received the following decoded image:


The unknown target attempt to establish communication, requires more precise positioning.

Next signal receiving time 下次訊號接受時間:
2/4/2022 16:00 Pacific Standard Time

RedCandle AI 2022/02/05 20:00


System detected the unidentified signal again, yet it’s weaker in power.

To locate the source of the signal, try creating a response with a matching waveform that’s more than 720 times the original strength. Noted the signal will be lost within 6 hours.

🔴 Boost red waveform 增強紅色訊號波
🟣 Boost purple waveform 增強紫色訊號波
🟡 Boost yellow waveform 增強黃色訊號波

[🔴(253) 🟣(141) 🟡(385)]

Signal is successfully sent thanks to the amazing teamwork, target allocated!

Recalibrating communication deviceーー

50 [] reacts needed to initiate communication 啟動通訊連接


Shan-Hai-9000 2022/02/05 13:03


[Translation in Processーー]

Mayday! Ma da ay! This is a n automateddd distress calllll, to anyone that receives the messsssage, please provide as istance.

This is S -Hai 000 calling from an unknown coordinates, navigation system suggested a possible landing zone on a natural satellite 340,000 kilometers from current location. Lacking the computing power, system fffailed to initiate the auto-pilot system. Please provide instructions while switching to manual control.

Must arrive at destination within 24 hours before solar flare immmpact that may trigger a full systematic shutdown. My mechanic body is currently traveling at 1 kilometer per second, while equipped with a emergency thruster that can increase my speed up to additional 1.5 km/s in 100 minutes, at the same time it can be used to decrease my speed by 1.0 km/s in 100 minutes.

To successfully land without crashing, the maximum speed can not exceed 4 km/s when reaching the celestial body during landing

Awaiting Instruction. Will begin propulsion phase in 20 minutes.

[語言轉換中ーー ]

求救!求救!機體漂流至不 座標,這是一段定定定期求救 息,請接收方提 協助。

系統算力不足,無法開啟自 導航,正在將推進器切換至手動,需要外部指 引導。

必須在24小時內到達衛星黑暗面,若超過24小時未 落,機身將受恆星烈焰影響並永久關機。

機體飛行的目前以每秒1公里接近,裝載的加速推進器可使速度在 100 分鐘後增加 1.5 km/s。減速推進器可在 100 分鐘後減少 1.0 km/s。

降落時相對速度不能超過每秒 4 公里,否則將墜毀毀。


「距離|54 萬公里」

[Distance 剩餘距離]:340000 km
[Current Speed 目前速度]:1 km/s
[Time until solar flare impact 剩餘時間]:86400

🔴Thrust forward 向前推進 +1.5 km/s in 100 minutes
🟣Reverse thrust 向後推進 -1 km/s in 100 minutes
🟡Maintain current speed 保持等速

[🔴(137) 🟣(26) 🟡(56)]


Instruction received, initiating thrust forward.


Awaiting Instruction. Will begin propulsion phase in 20 minutes.

Warning: An asteroid field detected! 112500 km from current location. Maintain body speed of 4 km/s or below for safe passage.
警告:前方112500 km 處有小行星帶,速度需在 4 km/s 以下方能安全通過。

[Distance 剩餘距離]:272500 km
[Current Speed 目前速度]:5.5 km/s
[Time until solar flare impact 剩餘時間]:64800 Seconds

🔴Thrust forward 向前推進 +1.5 km/s in 100 minutes
🟣Reverse thrust 向後推進 -1 km/s in 100 minutes
🟡Maintain current speed 保持等速

[🔴(6) 🟣(21) 🟡(122)]

Passing obstacle zone under a safe speed, the detected asteroid field confirmed to be space debris created by unknown primitive civilization.


Instruction received, initiating reverse thrust.

Shan-Hai-9000 2022/02/06 13:03


Successful landing! Battery depleted, chargingーー

Scheduled Reboot Time 下次開機時間:
2/7/2022 2:00AM Pacific Standard Time

Shan-Hai-9000 2022/02/07 18:00


[System Rebootーー ]

System report: Warning! Warninggg! 92% damage in all functionalities, must repair core processing unit immediatellllly.

Scanning surface for resourcesーー
Usable material detected in walking distance.

Auto-routing failed to initiate! ffffailed to initiate!
Switching to sonar mode: monitoring usable material responding signal.

Please provide instruction... Please provide instruction...

[重新開機ーー ]





Give instruction 指令下達:

🔴Go East 往東邊走
🟣Go South 往南邊走
🟡Go West 往西邊走
🟢Go North 往北邊走

[🔴(16) 🟣(3) 🟡(6) 🟢(61)]


Executing order, start going North, next report in 20 minutes.


Stronger signal comparing to previous location, getting closer to usable material.

Weaker signal comparing to previous location, moving away from usable material.


Error... Error... Unidentified signal interference...


[Unknown signal 未知訊號1("To Be Continued" Sound effect)]

[Unknown signal 未知訊號2(返校Detention - 發售宣傳影片)]

[Unknown signal 未知訊號3(Modulus Flea Bass & The Piano Cat)]

[Unknown signal 未知訊號4(NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV)]

[Unknown signal 未知訊號5(Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video))]

[Unknown signal 未知訊號6(David Bowie – Space Oddity (Official Video))]

[Unknown signal 未知訊號7(還願)]

Discovered a primitive hand-held digging tool with sharp metal tip. Cannot be used in self-repair.
探測到原始文明的手持挖掘工具, 金屬製, 頭部扁尖。 ​

Discovered a red paper envelope, translated to “Happy Lunar New Year! Charging ahead with Tiger’s strength and might!” ​Cannot be used in self-repair. ​
發現一個紅色的紙袋包裝, 翻譯寫道: 『新年快樂!虎哩健康呷百二!』

Discovered small round shape object with small dimples on its surface. Cannot be used in self-repair.

Discovered possible footwear for unknown creature. Cannot be used in self-repair.

Auditory sensor picking up sounds of wood chopping from the satellite's surface. Sensor Error... Error...

Discovered a rectangular-shaped primitive mechanical object with lens and light sensor unit. Cannot be used in self-repair.

Discovered a primitive camp fire, a tree branch laying on the ground sticked with soft sugar-like substances.Cannot be used in self-repair.

Shan-Hai-9000 2022/02/08 10:30

Arrived at the destination. Raw material extraction successful, initiating self-repairing programーー

Restoring corrupted memory filesーー



Estimated time to completion 預計上傳完成時間:8 hours



RedCandle AI 2022/02/08 20:21 

System Notification: Disabling emergency Discord communication, temp-chat-en and temp-chat-中文 will be temporary archived in 16 hours. Shan-Hai 9000 established link with Red Candle's internal server.

Thank you for your support, by submitting the emoji, you will be officially listed as our computing-power contributor. And help share Shan-Hai 9000's story with the world. And receive special role.

系統通知:臨時 Discord 通訊 temp-chat-entemp-chat-中文 即將在 16 小時後暫時關閉,山海9000成功連接至赤燭內部伺服器。

感謝您的協助,輸入 [] 表情符號代表您同意成為系統的算力供給者。並願意貢獻己力,將山海九千的故事與全人類分享。並取得特殊身份組。



