Bianca Bondi

Today women can have any job, they can do anything in today’s world. About two decades ago women could do nothing except cook, clean, and buy things, most women though proved the people saying that wrong. Sarah Josepha Hale was born in the late 17th century, and she died in the late 18th century. Sarah was depressed, since her husband died when she was young, she needed to find a way to make money. You would think there was no hope left for her, no way to pay for things, nothing. Nevertheless, she was pulled through, she started writing poems. She proved everyone who doubted her wrong by helping women and slaves throughout her life.

Sarah had a normal childhood, except she couldn’t go to school and learn, which made her who she was in the future. Sarah was born in Newport, New Hampshire on October 24, 1788. She lived on a farm owned by her grandfather. Her father was in the French and Indian War, details about her mother are unknown. Her father was Gorden Buell, and her mother was Martha Wittlesay Buell, she had three siblings, Sarah was the third child. When she was young, girls couldn’t go to school, her mother didn’t understand why girls couldn’t go to school, her mom taught her secretly at home, she later gained college education and attended Dartmouth college.

Without the tragedy that happened, nothing she did would have happened either. She got married in October 1813 to a young lawyer named David Hale, they had five children. Her husband always encouraged her to write, so a few years later when he died, even though the tragedy was too depressing, she went on making books and poetry. In her time women weren’t being treated so well because of segregation, some men thought women were useless, despite of this Sarah wanted to prove them wrong. Sarah got famous out of her poetry, one of the favorites was “Mary had a Little Lamb,” she became the editor of Godey’s Lady Book. The Godey’s Lady Book was a book for women and things they can do, it had fashion, women’s interest, and other various topics.

Women had no say in almost anything, it made it hard for Sarah. The day his heart stopped; he could never return to life again, it was hard for Sarah in her life, with her husband’s death she had to raise FIVE CHILDREN all by herself. In sorrow she wore black for the rest of her life, and she never got remarried. Since she was a woman, she had a few rights back then. Sarah decided to help women and slaves, Sarah thought it was unjust to have slaves. She fought for their rights.

If she never fought for women’s right and stopping slavery, then some things we have today may not have been here right now. In her life she did some astonishing things like creating one of the most famous nursery rhymes “Mary had a Little Lamb,” she helped women get rights and made them property owners, she helped get rid of slavery, she even used the Godey’s Lady Book to get women an education, and two years before she died Sarah wrote letters to Abraham Lincoln the idea of Thanksgiving! She also wanted Mount Vernon to be a national shrine, which it is.

She did everything she could to help women. Sadly, she died. She had a great life helping people out, but she died at about 91 on April 30, in about 1878. She was buried at Laurel Hill cemetery in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. She lived a long and great life, when she died a lot of people were sad, she did so much.

Sarah Josepha Hale was determent to get rights for women and stop slavery. Sarah fought for women’s rights for education, she became a famous writer, and she got over a great loss to be where she was back then. If it wasn’t for Sarah and many other women, then slavery might still be here, and girls can’t go to school. You can remember her by reading the books and poetry she did in her life.