Student Teaching

in Science & Health

Course Description

SED 554S and 555S are seminars that compliment the science student teaching experience. These seminars are designed in accordance with the Michael D. Eisner College of Education Conceptual Framework and the principles of Computer Supported Collaborative Science to provide opportunities to engage in and reflect upon best practices in science teaching and learning and prepare for the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT).

Teacher candidates learn to engage students in the those practices and habits of mind described in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), such as asking questions and defining problems, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations and designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. These seminars focus on instructional methods and curriculum in teaching physics, chemistry, biology, earth & space science and health in secondary schools. Teacher candidates learn how to develop, adapt, evaluate, and use strategies and materials for teaching science, appropriate both to the special needs of the learners and the special characteristics of the various science disciplines. In addition, these seminars foster the development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) so that they are prepared to use relevant technologies to engage and enhance student learning.

SED 554/554S

The SED 554/554S Field Experience and Seminar occur in the 1st semester of student teaching. You, the candidate, work with a Cooperating Teacher at a school for 1 period daily, same period every day, or at least 5 hours per week if on block scheduling, plus another 1 hour daily for consultation, observations, and planning, for one full semester or track—in other words, a total of at least 10 hours weekly. You begin with several weeks of observing classrooms and working with small groups or individual students, then gradually assume responsibility for teaching the class. You also attend a weekly or biweekly seminar that supports your student teaching and culminates in the submission of the Feedback-Receiving edTPA (FRED), an abridged version of the edTPA.

SED 555/555S

SED 555/555S or 555BL/555S Supervised Practicum and Seminar for the Single Subject Credential occur in the 2nd semester of student teaching. You work with one or two Cooperating Teachers at a school site for the same 3 periods daily, or the equivalent in schools with block schedules, plus another 1 hour daily for consultation, observations, and planning, for one full semester or track— in other words, a total of at least 20 hours weekly. You are responsible for teaching all 3 classes from the first day. You also attend a weekly seminar that supports your student teaching and preparation of the edTPA.