Retaking the EdTPA

EdTPA re-take requirements

What you must do if you resubmit one or more tasks...

Task 1- Planning

A Task 1 Planning retake is a complete redo of the Task: new lesson plans and commentary, and candidates can use the same Context for Learning Information form as on the original submission.

- Task 2 and Task 3 are not necessary to grade Task 1.

Task 2- Instruction

For a Task 2 retake, the video, the candidates provide context by:

a) resubmitting the Context for Learning Information form, and

b) for the new video clips, a new lesson plan, instructional materials, and Planning Commentary.

c) Then a candidate submits an entirely new Task 2.

Task 3 - Assessment

For a Task 3 retake, the candidate provides context by:

a) resubmitting the Context for Learning Information form, and

b) a new Task 1 Planning Commentary.

c) Then a candidate submits an entirely new Task 3.