
Grading Rubric

How EdTPA is Graded ( Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity, SCALE)



First video - The first clip should illustrate how you actively engaged students in organizing and analyzing evidence and/or data from a scientific inquiry. Students should be examining the evidence and/or data to look for patterns, identify outliers, and/or explore contradictory findings.

Second video - The second clip should illustrate how you facilitated your students' use of scientific evidence and/or data AND concepts to construct and evaluate evidence-based explanations of a phenomenon or predictions of reasonable outcomes based on patterns in evidence and/or data.

Health  -

You should choose lessons that show you interacting with students as they show active engagement in using functional health knowledge, demonstrating health-related skills, and/or developing personal beliefs and analyzing group norms to help them adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. (For FRED (554), you need one 10 minute video and one 5 minute video illustrating students academic language usage)


How do the candidate’s plans build students’ abilities to use science concepts and scientific practices during inquiry to explain or make predictions about a real-world phenomenon? -Planning prompts

How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to target support for students to use science concepts and scientific practices during inquiry to explain or make predictions about a real-world phenomenon? -Planning prompts

How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to justify instructional plans? -Planning prompts

How does the candidate identify and support language demands associated with a key science learning task? -Planning prompts

How are the informal and formal assessments selected or designed to monitor students’ progress toward using science concepts and scientific practices during inquiry to explain or predict a real-world phenomenon? -Planning prompts


How does the candidate demonstrate a safe and respectful learning environment that supports students’ engagement in learning?-Instruction prompts

How does the candidate actively engage students in analyzing and interpreting scientific data to construct evidence-based explanations of or predictions about a real-world phenomenon-Instruction prompts

How does the candidate elicit responses to promote thinking and understanding of science concepts and abilities to apply scientific practices during scientific inquiry?-Instruction prompts

How does the candidate facilitate students’ analysis of the evidence and/or data based on scientific inquiry-Instruction prompts

How does the candidate use evidence to evaluate and change teaching practice to meet students’ varied learning needs?-Instruction prompts


How does the candidate analyze evidence of student learning related to conceptual understanding, the use of scientific practices during inquiry, and evidence-based explanations or reasonable predictions about a real- world phenomenon?-Assessment Prompts

What type of feedback does the candidate provide to focus students?-Assessment Prompts

How does the candidate support focus students to understand and use the feedback to guide their further learning?-Assessment Prompts

How does the candidate analyze students’ use of language to develop content understanding?-Assessment Prompts

How does the candidate use the analysis of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in instruction?-Assessment Prompts