3.1 운동 100 주년 기념 공동 예배


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A Worship Service for Children in Commemoration of the Centennial of the March 1st Movement

1. Gathering in the House of the Lord

1) Call to Worship

2) Opening Prayer / Leader

3) *Hymn / Crown Him with many crowns

4) *Prayer of Confession

Leader: O God, you freed our people from the oppression of

the Japanese. rule.

People: But Lord, we have forgotten your love.

Leader: Thanks to the tearful prayers of those who have gone before us, the flowers of freedom and life are blooming again in this land.

People: But Lord, we have forgotten their faith and courage.

Leader: O God, you have given us the tasks of peaceful

reunification and. reconciliation.

People: But Lord, we have not fulfilled our call to be the light and salt of. the world.

All: Lord, forgive our sins and faults.

5) *Word of Forgiveness / Isaiah 59:21 / Leader

6) *Passing of the Peace/ Liturgist

Leader: Peace of Christ be with you!

People: And also with you!

7) *Hymn / True Christian

2. Listening to the Word

1) Scripture Reading / Isaiah 10:12-21, Romans 8:1-11. / Reader

Leader: The Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God!

2) Choral Anthem / River and Mountain, Streams Flowing Clear

3) Gospel / John 7:25-36 / Reader

Leader: The Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God!

4) Sermon / The Remaining Trees of His Forests Pastor

5) Offering Hymn <Unto Heart in Deep Night Pinning(582)>

6) Witness and Confession of Faith

Remembrance / Liturgist

Ryu Gwansun Song / Ensemble

7) Reading of the Declaration of the Independence / Liturgist

8) Unison Prayer for the Nation / All

O God, who gives us life and love, we thank you for leading our nation to independence in celebration of the centennial of the March 1st movement. Help us to imitate the heart that grandparents who loved the nation despite many challenges and sufferings. Lead our nation to peace, justice and safety. Just like studying and playing together in a classroom with friends from other countries, help us to have the day of reunification for get along with friends from North Korea. We pray for the day when the Korean people are healed and reconciled in Christ. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

3. Going into the World

1) Announcements / Leader

2) *National Anthem and Saying “Manse” Three Times / All

3) *Benediction, Lord’s Prayer / Leader

4) *Postlude