
The use of the razor in the hand makes the viewer uncomfortable and sympathetic. The viewer can feel the pain in their hand. The use of the black and white contrast shows the form of the hand and the texture of the razor. The black and white show the shimmer of the blood drawing your eyes in. The use of space is shown by the rule of thirds.  The razor is in the bottom lest giving more breathing room for the hand. The light has been placed on the right side of the hand to show the shadow of the hand and the razor showing the texture and the shape of the subjects. The effect of the razor makes the view question what has happen, it makes you think if they have been hurt or if it is internal injury after something has happened to them. It shows the pain people can feel when something happens to you. The hand has used up most of the space making the photo a full photo.

The light has been placed in the top right corner showing the shadow of the hand and the texture. The tip of the fingers are highlighted and part of the palm is allowing us to see the texture of the hand. Even though the picture is black and white the highlights of the hand stand out instantly and your eyes avert to them. The abnormal shape the hand makes tell you more about the photograph and gives you an incite of who that hand might belong to. The highlights show the detail of the hand and all of the bumps and lines creating  a 3D look.

Mood board

My sketch sheet

My Plan

My idea is to have two hands reaching out towards each other With a light behind them. I will photo two hands it  can be ether gender. The shoot will be in the studio with a white backdrop.  I will use one light that project a circle that will surround the hands.

My idea is having two hands reaching to touch each other with a circle light behind it. Next time i will get the subjects to take of any objects they are wearing but if they have rings on for them to take them on to show more interest. I will also try the photo with a black background and add more noise.

This is what i did to get the photo. I had the 2 objects stand opposite to each other with their hands reaching out. I had the light shine in the top right corner pointing down to the hands. I had the white backdrop the show the shadow and detail. The 2nd photo shows a closer immaje of the hands and how i took the photo.

Shoot 2

My contact sheet

Photos that could use improvement

This photo could be improved by bringing the light inwards more to show the hand and show more of the form of the hand. The hand has a hair bobble on so the subjects would have to take it off. The hand could have been places in the rule of thirds to make it more interesting.

The photo could be improved by bringing the light in and closer to the hand. The only parts of the hand you can see is the red highlighted parts. You carn't see any of the hand or its features. It could also be tried with a different colored backdrop.

The photo could be improved by using a smaller flower and bringing the light closer to the hand or above the hand. The flower is to big and has taken up all the space and doesn't show the hand. The flower is kissing the edge of the frame making it feel tight and compressed.

My favorite photos

New idea

The use of the red light under the hand shows the form of the under part. The contrast of the red and black  interests your eye as you would never of thought of putting them colours together. The way the hand is held brings ideas into your head and creates a story for the hand. The use of the red light could be used in two ways, It could be used to represent love and affection but it could also be used to represent anger, death or evil. 

My sketch sheet

My plan

My plan is to get hands on top of each other one lower than the other pointing up. I will use a black backdrop and I will use a red and green light to contrast each other. The lights can be tried ether way and different positions to which is the best. I will also try a white backdrop and see which one is better. I will also try different positions with the hands and different peoples hands. One light will be in the bottom left corner pointing up and the other light will be in the top right corner pointing down. The different positions will highlight different parts of the hands to show form in different places on the hand.

My contact sheet

Photos that I can improve

I can improve this photo by trying different positions with the light and using another light that contrasts the red or try two different lights that contrasts to show different shadows and forms of the hand. The hand is in the middle of the picture and there is no use of rule of thirds. Next time i will try to use the rule of thirds and put the hand in the top right corner facing inwards to the photo to create a spacious feel to the hand. The extra room will also create a story with the hand and make the hand look as if it is reaching out to something. 

I can improve this photo by trying a different backdrop and also trying the same hand position with another light with the blue on top of the hand shining down onto the hand. I can also try the lights in different positions to show the form of the hand more. The glow of the light from the room is shining onto the hand creating a warm glow with the blue light. Next time i will turn off the room light so there is no warm glow on the hand. 

To improve this photo I can bring the green light further round to the front of the hand as it can barely be seen. The light from the room can also be seen shining on the bottom of the lest hand, I will next time make sure that the lights in the room is turned off. I will try the photo with two lights that contrast each other or that go together. I could also try the photo with a different backdrop that is not so dark, ether a navy blue or white backdrop to show the light more and to show shadow and form of the hand.

Improved photos

In this photos i have tried again with two lights to show different shadows in the hand but in different lights to show different forms. The lighter colour shoes the highlights of the hand, and the darker colour shows the shadow of the hand and the two colours contrast each other and create a interesting look.

EBI: e - What will you do to move your project forward?

To move my project forward i can experiment with different backgrounds as all of them are with a black background and they don't look that interesting. I can use extravagant backgrounds to give the photo a bit more edge and strangeness. The strange backgrounds will make the photos more interesting and eye catching to the viewer. I can also experiment with extravagant colours that stand out against or mix with the backdrop.

Further improved images

With these images i have used Photoshop to make the colour lights more vibrant and contrast with the black background. The first image was already an improvement to my new idea shoot but it could do with more editing to make it look more interesting. The other images were my first shoot with my new idea and the light placement didn't look right so i used Photoshop to make the lights look more vibrant and stand out. I also tried a mix of two colours on some to make the image look more interesting and fun. Before they look ok but after i used Photoshop to improve them they look more interesting and professional. Next time i will try pointing the light in different positions to show more form in the hands and to show more emotion in the hands. I will try putting the red light in front and on top of the hand to show more emotion and keep the same hand position as harsh and sharp. I will also try the blue light again but the hand position as soft and somber to show sadness and put the lights in different positions around the hand too show more form and texture in the hand.

Improved images - emotions

New idea

My Sketch sheet

My Plan

My new idea is to do hands in the style of sign language. The hand placements fascinate me and the look interesting to the eye. I will try the idea of signing out words or single letters. I will also try out signing out phrases that show emotion or simple phrases. If some of them require movement then i will put my camera on a low shutter speed to capture the movement of the hands. I will try with lights and without and see what come out best. I will try different backgrounds to show different highlights in the hand and show form of the hand. I can also put in fairy lights and entwine them with the hands or hang they behind the hands to blur them out using depth of field to create an interesting look. I can also interprit in the use of coloured lights to make a more interesting look to the hands and capture the eyes of the viewer.

My contact sheet

Photos that i can improve

This photo is blury and looks bad. I can improve it by moving the hand further away from the lights to make them blury by using boka and if i focus onto the hand then the hand will come into focus. I can also move the light round the hand to highlight the hands form and make it look more interesting. There aren't enough lights in the background to see so next time i will place the lights closer together and show more of them in the image instead of the hand taking over the whole of the image.

I can improve this photo by showing more of the hand as it is hidden by the lights and can't be seen. I can ether pat down the lights to show more of the hand as hands are the subject or i can get on top of the hand or a bit further up to show more of the hand instead of all the lights. I can also untangle the lights and line them down along the bottom of the box  so there isn't a large pile of lights that draw the attention of the eye.

To improve this image i will bring a light in and place it under the hand or in different places at a low brightness to highlight the hand but not to bright that it overpowers the image. Also there is a large pile of lights at the bottom of the image that ether need to be hidden out of the image or untangled so the lights run in lines along the bottom of the box towards the camera to create an interesting look. The hand is in the center and has a lot of space around it. I can crop the image so the hand is in the center of attention and the eye isn't drawn to all the space around the hand.

My  favorite images

Improved images