7 Principles


Lines can be used to show different things:

Vertical lines

Converging lines

Jagged lines

Curved lines

Horizontal lines


Shape  is easily shown using silhouettes but it can be used in different ways. Shapes mostly recognized are ' positive shapes ' which are made from solid shapes. Although, some shapes are created by using ' negative shapes ' between gaps in objects.


Form is a photo with 3D shapes.  Photographs work on a 2 dimensional plane but by using light and keeping the shape in mind we can show the 3D shape of the subject.

EBI: The lighting could be better as there are some dark parts of the shadow that are too dark.I could have moved the light round more to bring more exposure to the picture.

EBI: I have cut the bottom of the pot off, so next time i need to get the bottom of the pot so i can add more depth and more shadow.

WWW: I have been able to capture the shadow and form of the shape by the light. 


Texture concerns itself with the surface of a subject. Photos that concentrate on texture makes you think about how the subjecy would feel if it was touched.


Pattern are recurring shapes that are placed in rhythmic ways.  Pattern can be created by using man made or natural subjects.


Space is the area around a subject allowing it to breath, using the rule of thirds. The subject must be looking into the picture as we follow their eyes. 


Photos in black and white are useful for showing form, shape and texture. Colour can be shown by using walm shades (yellow, red) and cold shades (blue, purple)

These are analogous colours. They are colours next to each other in the colour wheel.

These are contrasting colours. They are colours which are opposite to each other in the colour wheel.