3D Anaglyph

What is 3D Anaglyph?

3D Anaglyth is a picture that has two images in the coloures Red and Cyan that are layered on the original picture to create a 3 Dimensional image. The different coloures create a stereoscopic look. There has been glasses created with two different filters that send different images to each eye to create the 3D image. 

In this image of the tiger, the use of the 3D anaglyph makes it look as if it is jumping out of the image. The depth of the animal is interesting as the paws are further out in front of the body. The depth f the tiger and the forest contribute to the look of it jumping out as the image has two subjects so depth can be created. The animal is looking into the frame making it feel less cramped and more open. Some if the leaves from the trees are coming forward making the image look 3D without the effect, but when the 3D layers are added it creates a more interesting look as there is then more than one subject and it fills in the gaps between  the animal and the trees behind him.

My plan

My plan is to use this effect on pictures of multiple flowers to give the 3D look of a group of flowers. I will also put an object into the flowers to give the image a more interesting look. I will also try using this effect on portraits of people giving them more life and depth, i will also try asking them to stand in different positions like a shocked look and having the hands closer to the camera than the body to give more of the depth and intense 3D look. I will also try and put both ideas together by putting lots of flowers behind the model to give a interesting look.

Shoot 1

Edited photos

EBI: The position in all the images are very simple and similar. They are all in portrait so parts of the hand is cut off. The photos can be taken in landscape so i can fit the whole hand and face.  The hand is overlapping the face so it is hard to use the puppet warp to keep the hand where it is and the head look further away as they are over lapping as i have taken the photo in portrait instead of landscape.

New shoot for shoot 1

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Shoot 2

Edited photos

EBI: The images need another subject in them to give a greater sense of depth. I will then be able to use the puppet warp to move the other subject and keep the flowers further back.The images only have the flowers as the subject so it look simple and uninteresting. There is only one subject so the puppet warp doesn't work as well as it should. The images look like they haven't been moved so the effect doesn't work.

Shoot 2-improved

EBI: In most of the images have a detraction in the background that takes your eye away from the main subject. The distraction in the background runes the image as it looks rushed and doesn't look like the image has been thought about. The flower petals kiss the edge of the image as well cutting it off making the image feel cramped and suffocating.

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New plan

My plan is tho go back to the first shoot but develop it more. My idea is to take portraits of a person holding flowers out close to the camera so it will create more depth between the subject of the flowers and the persons face. I will also try the idea of putting flowers behind the person and have them stand close to the camera doing different positions. I can also take photos over the shoulder of the model to frame the image and the flowers in the background. 

Shoot 1

EBI: In lots of these images the flowers are kissing the edge as they are ether at different heights making them to close to the edge of the picture or when i take the picture in portrait the flowers don't fit into the camera space , so next time then need to be ether above the head to fit into the gap above or i need to take the picture in landscape so i can fit the flowers in next to but behind the models head. In some of the images they are under exposed as the light hasn't been placed in the right position making the face hard to see and making the image look boring as you cant see anything in the image.

Puppet warp

The tool i use to create the 3D look further is puppet warp. This tool allows you to move the cyan layers so you are able to move the layers back to there original place. By making a ring of safety around the subject you want to apply this tool to keep the rest of the image still and unmovable. By placing pins inside of the ring of safety i can then move the layers to the places that i want them to be in. After applying the tool when looking at the images through the 3D glasses the flowers in the background look as if they haven't moved but the main subject - for me that is the persons face - looks as if they are coming out of the image giving it more depth and interest.

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